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[Gilgamesh] New to FFXIV RP


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Hello everyone! :moogle:



I've been casually playing FFXIV for a while now, but even though I've had years of RP experience on other websites/forums/games, I hadn't tried to RP in FFXIV until now. One of my friends roleplays in Balmung but unfortunately I'm stuck in Gilgamesh as that's where my boyfriend's FC is located and I'm trying to help him build it back up. 



So I guess I just wanted to check if there even is a roleplaying community in Gilgamesh?? Like I mentioned before, my boyfriend's FC is in Gilgamesh and we are trying to get new players to join us, so if there are roleplayers out there then I would also like to add a RP element to our FC in the future. 



I'm excited to get into some FFXIV RP so keeping my fingers crossed I'm not in a totally RP dead server! xD

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I don't know. I CAN say, depending on how big your FC is, is you guys might consider relocating to Mateus, which has a very welcoming, growing rp group. There's no character creation restriction on Mateus so you wouldn't need to pay for transfers.

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Hey there and welcome aboard to the RPC and to FFXIV RP! :thumbsup:


Unfortunately I have no idea. At some point you've got to pick and choose what's most important- if that's RP, then Balmung is definitely the place to be. Regardless, best of luck on the hunt!

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I actually was from there. RP used to be pretty common, but then died hard there (This was about 2 and a half years ago). Someone recently came back from there to Balmung and I asked them how the RP was there - and they also said dead. Maybe you can build a small community there? I am sure there are some folks interest in RP there.

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I don't know. I CAN say, depending on how big your FC is, is you guys might consider relocating to Mateus, which has a very welcoming, growing rp group. There's no character creation restriction on Mateus so you wouldn't need to pay for transfers.

I actually just made a Miqo'te Archer in that server to check it out, and it does seem like a pretty nice and active server! I haven't seen much but I got a random FC invite and decided to join and they're all very nice and helpful already. And I've seen a few people roleplaying around as well, which is cool to see. 



If anything I'm considering roleplaying there on the side while still helping out my bf's FC in Gilgamesh. Though, after the comment from @Ritsu, I'm also considering trying to build a small community in Gilgamesh. It would be cool if I could help bring RPing come back to that server 'cause I actually do enjoy being in Gilgamesh. 



Thanks for your responses guys! :) 

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I would certainly love to see some RP happening on Gilgamesh.  I've been there since I started (and have three characters there now) and everyone I know is there.  I know that Gilgamesh seems to be the "raid server," but I would really like to see some RP communities flourishing there.


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