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Adventuring Au Ra (Xaela) running about...

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Hi Hi! so before i go to far into my posting thought id give a little info into my rp style and experience. So even before i do that should mention im new to the forums as well as the game but i have rp'd in games before mainly wow and kotor which were fun when i could find people to play with. 


Wont say im the greatest at roleplaying at most say mediocre i think. i tend to not follow the games story and follow my own thats created around it if that makes sense. not to say i wont add in bits and pieces of current events into the rp but since im new to ff14 dont know what would be currently happening now tongue.gif. Anyways i work at an apple store so long hours for my self being new there but still find time, despite handling computers and phones all day ,to play for a few hours when i get home biggrin.gif.  and with that onto the main part


ps : i suck at spelling and grammar so yea thats a thing




Aluria Areian is new to the adventuring life, truth be told she would have been happy as a traveling merchant much like her father. The reason behind her throwing her life into danger is to find her family but is also desperate to find her adopted little brother. When her parents had brought him home he was quiet and reserved that didnt look stable but he was more open to her than her parents and that made her feel more responsible of his well being. 


Talented as a healer from studying but dont mistake that for being someone that cant fight, if in a pinch she can hold her own with her fists and feet and maybe even biting as well. Still prefers not to fight if at all possible but will if there is no other option, which in a few brawls she has been beaten to a mess. 


A friendly young woman that is something of a ditz, she tries to keep to her self and focus on the goal at hand. The few times when she allows some time to her self, she will draw and write in her journal. A bit shy and reserved around strangers but opens up more when she is around familiar faces,  but give her a few drinks and she loses the shy self. Becoming rather friendly and will on most of the times point out obvious things either happening or things on peoples faces. Though it takes a great deal of convincing her to drink.



OOC: this is just a little taste of her backstory which is still in progress, i actually had this typed up 3 days ago and then spent time to  shorten it cause i didnt want to give it all out lol so yea >_> 

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Welcome to the forum first of all. If your character is interested to interact with her more traditional/clan kin, we are always looking for more Xaela to RP with.


Msg us if you are interested to RP with us - Algun Bairon or Maral Oronir

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Hi Aluria,


I would be interested to see how your character interacts with Deahfel. You can check out her wiki page below to see more about her. We could set up a meet up and see if they click. Deah is most often working out of her headquarters in Ul'Dah or patrolling. She can also be found in Gridania where she lives and trains every morning. Another idea would be to have them meet at the tavern night we are hosting tonight at the HQ (Celestine Tavern Event on the RPC calendar).


Let me know if you are interested and we can set something up.

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