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[Balmung] Multi-Cultural Dance and Music Class! Thursday @8pm Est/5pm Pst [Weekly]

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[align=center]Sounds of distant drums draw steadily louder...closer, the deep thrumming of the rolling sounds echoing from their call. Hips sway to unpredictable and thunderous waves of the ocean as they clap and clash against the surface of the soft beach sand...



[align=center]Airy cotton dresses swaying left and right with timed intervals...the soft tap of spit shinned leather shoes and heels clacking away on the smooth lacquered flooring beneath them...[/align]


[align=center]Burning incense filling the air with the strong spice of cinnamon and chai tea.  Silken wraps and bells littering sashes ring like the bells of a wind chime playing in the cool spring breeze.  Hands extending coiling and winding like the body of serpent enticing and enchanting his audience.[/align]


[align=center]There are various styles of dance, all which we use to express to express ourselves for many reasons.  Perhaps it is to take our minds off a stressful sun, delight a audience, woo a lover or simply for the joy of just knowing you took upon yourself a challenge and found you enjoy it more that you might have first thought you would have.


[align=center]Does this sound like something that interests you? Then let’s meet our next instructor![/align]

[align=center]Alexei Zolotse is a man of many talents, he has a vast background in the performance arena as well as various dance methods and styles under his belt.  While his favorite is belly dancing from his homeland he has striven over the cycles to learn other styles to increase not only his artistic knowledge by aid in his teaching others.  It is one of his greatest joys to watch other express themselves through song and dance.[/align]

[align=center]Alexei is a performer that excels in dazzling crowds with the bouncy and energetic sounds of Rhythm and Blues, his tenor toned voice filled with soul and promise seek to always delight his audience.  He has worked with many of the performing greats we all know and love and still does so to this day as one of the star Idol’s from the popular Kpop group 3B lead by ‘The’ Waltz Concerto.



[align=center]Does this sound like something you’d like to learn? or someone you’d love to meet and never get the chance to due to crowded rooms after performances? Then here’s your chance! Come on down to Isles of Paradise every Thursday evening for Lex’s class on Multi-Cultural Dance and Music @ 8pm Est/5pm Pst for a chance to meet and learn some of his trade mark performing secrets as well as how to bust a move on stage in style!


[align=center]We look forward to seeing you all there!


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