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Celestine Tavern @ 9PM EST Every Friday!

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[align=center]Celestine Tavern[/align]


Celestine hosts a public tavern every Friday from 9PM-12AM EDT, located at The Goblet, Ward 3, Plot 58. We provide a comfy, quiet, and dimly lit atmosphere. We serve a variety of drinks and food dishes, as well as custom drinks per request. Our stage is open for anyone to perform if they feel up to it. There is no strict dress code aside from our employee's, though we will occasionally have theme nights (which you don't have to dress up for if you don't want to) so be on the lookout for that!


Even though the bar and kitchen close at the designated time, anyone is free to stay and RP if they wish. Our menu is located on our site at Celestine.enjin in our forums! Or here!


Food - Menu

Drink - Menu




  • No weapons allowed.
    We ask that all weapons or anything that could be considered a weapon be handed over to our door steward for safe keeping. The only exception is those working security or affiliated with the Free Company and has permission to carry a weapon.
  • Behind the bar and kitchen.
    This area is strictly off limits to those not affiliated with the Free Company or working the event, only with permission may you enter. If you are caught going in then you will be asked to leave.
  • Additional rooms.
    For now, any of our additional rooms inside the house are off limits to patrons unless given permission to enter. If you are caught in any of these rooms then you will be asked to leave.
  • No violence.
    This includes using your fists, or words. We want everyone to be treated respectfully IC and OOC, so any kind of fighting or arguing that escalates in the bar then we ask that you take it outside and off our lawn, or you will be asked to leave.
  • Performances.
    Even though we provide an open mic, we ask that your performances be nothing that could be considered offensive or overly revealing.


Have questions or concerns? Feel free to drop a post below!


We'd love to hear any feedback you'd like to give us after visiting our event, we are always looking to improve our provided experience!


We hope to see you there! :moogle:

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