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Hi. ^.^


I just transferred to Balmung and am looking for RP opportunities for my character.




My name is Asuka Sakamoto. I am a second generation Xaela exile from Doma. My grandfather, Hiroshi, and my mother, Rie, fled from Doma during the original conquering. My grandfather was an accomplished swordsman of honorable lines; he was a samurai. My mother was supposedly quite competent with a blade as well.


After meeting my father, an unnamed warrior from Gridania, she became pregnant with me. After my father found out, he opted to head back to Doma and try and fight for our homeland once more, for my mother and I. So I have been told. I have never met my father, and my mother died in childbirth.


The only family I have known was my grandfather. He was a kind and gentle warrior. When I was a young girl, my grandfather started to teach me the ways of the blade. But, his lessons were sparse due to our roaming lifestyle. Since we were refugees, we wandered the land offering what aid we could for warm food and a hearth to sleep by. As a young teenager of fourteen, I found myself alone. My grandfather had passed away in the dead of winter in a barn we had managed to procure as shelter for honest work.


With his passing, I nearly gave up. I had no one left to call my own. As I lay sobbing, the prickly old farmer whose barn we were staying in comforted me. Or rather, he offered me a choice. He told me I could lay down and give up, or try and fight. I resolved to spend my time trying to learn to be as strong as he was.


Four years later, I received my first opportunity to prove myself. I found myself in Ul'dah after roaming in much the same fashion I had with my grandfather. Whilst there, I joined the Pugilist's guild upon a whim. That was nary a week ago now. I find myself honing my skills so that I may find my way back to Doma. I will take up the sword of my line once more. I will honor my family.


But I know I can't do it alone. I will need trustworthy friends and close companions.


I write this in hopes of finding some like souls amongst the sea of faces.



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Pretty solid backstory, nice work. Maybe my Guimeaux, Albrecht or Zaza were a good idea. Guimeaux is a scholar that mostly lived by himself, Albrecht is a weak willed healer who wants to become stronger and braver while Zaza is more on the darker side.

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Hey! I feel Marissa would get along well with Asuka as she has a somewhat similar motive, she is trying to find her father who left home when she was very young, and travelling to Doma would be a good start in finding out what happened to him. She knows little of her grandparents, she only knows they fled their Xaela tribe to Gridania before she was born and that's where she was raised by her mother (who doesn't like to talk about the past). She's training to be a dragoon since leaving home and would probably love companions to train with.


Shoot me a message if you're interested ^^

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Hey Asuka,


If you are wandering around in Ul'Dah you will probably run into Deahfel at some point when she is out running errands or out on patrol there. It would be interesting to see them interact and learn more about each other. Deah doesn't know much about Doma and would be interested in hearing about that or stories related to there. She would also be able to offer training and sparring practice to help her improve her skills. You can check out my wiki if you want to read more about her too.


Anyways let me know if that sounds good and we can set up a meet up! You can message me through here or on Discord at Deahfel #0582

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Nice to see another person using the Doman/Garlean wars as a backdrop to their backstory. As a veteran of both wars, Kazu could have potentially crossed paths with Asuka's father, or perhaps even her grandfather if he was involved in the initial invasion, though Kazu served in the rank and file as a footsoldier. It could be an interesting dynamic, perhaps even shed some light on the father's ultimate fate in Doma, if that was a direction you wanted to go in. If you see any potential there, check out his wiki in my signature.


Kazu usually only ends up in Ul'dah on business, but he could still run into Asuka easily enough, particularly if she starts hanging around Deah. If you're interested, shoot me a pm and we can figure out if we wanted to make any backstory connections/how to make these two meet.

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Hello, I have an alt named Mari Sakamoto (same clan of the last name yay! - unless you want it separate) and she travels around as a hobby. 


She sometimes hangs out in Ul'dah and other times traveling to Limsa Lominsa. So if you wish to RP sometime in the future, feel free to PM me :)

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Hey, I just brought back one of my old favorites, Sr'vassh. A Miqo'te pirate from the wiped-out shark clan, he was smuggling Doman refugees and goods out from under imperial noses before he lost his ship (again). He's been hiding out in Ul'dah lately, so if you see him around, feel free to say hi. Just don't say "Yellowjacket", and you'll get along fine.

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