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Just for fun ^_^

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Hey everyone :) I was just playing around with colors and stuff and thought I would share.




Here's my basic draft I drew up, then.....






and here's the finished portrait of Aulairet. I wanted it to get a water color effect, not  going for anything too detailed as this is one of the first times I've played around with color. :D :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

sup all you shmexy RPC'ers! I LOVE three day weekends! Def took advantage of it too ^^ heh


I decided to share some pieces I did of my new main character, having switched from Aulairet to Zwei. Lemme kno what you guys think :3



The pic above is just a character design of Zwei, getting an idea of how I'm picturing him in my mind. Also, still don't do life-like backgrounds but i'm working on making my backdrops more interesting at least. :P







heh this one is more just for fun *wink wink* But also i legit wanted to work on shading muscular frames a little. IT'S SEXY BUT STILL GLOOMY BATHTIME ZWEI!!!  :blush:





Haha this is fun ^.^




And finally, I decided to design a picture of the very first person to ever respond to my very first post on RPC which can be found  here. And that person turned out to be the friendly and beautiful Eva! Yay! xD XD






Now, this is just my own cartoony take on Eva, I'm very sorry if I got anything wrong, I just went by the references thread.  I hope you all like it! :thumbsup:

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Oh wow that's really awesome!! Your blue-haired fellow seems quite handsome!! And I love your take on Eva too! There's been so much art lately and it's all so wonderful!! Thank you!!! :love:

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Oh wow that's really awesome!!  Your blue-haired fellow seems quite handsome!!  And I love your take on Eva too!  There's been so much art lately and it's all so wonderful!!  Thank you!!!  :love:

No prob! :thumbsup:

I'm glad you liked it it was fun! I never draw girls usually, just girly males if anything >.>  lulz  ^^

These are great! Keep up the good work! *is still jelly of everyone else's art skills*

:moogle:  Thank you!  :moogle:

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