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Hey there.

New RP'er in FF here, finally got convinced to dive into it.

My name is Mikkel, 24 years old and from Denmark.

My background in RP is pretty wide, starting LARP at the age of 10, and picking up pen and paper RP at the age of 13. I have since stopped LARPing but continued my interest in Pen and Paper, mostly D&D (the classic cliché) and World of Darkness.


In regards of online RP, i have experience from RP'ing in WoW for many years and also some forum-based RP, but i have since been taking a break from anything related to online RP.


Now i'm looking to get back into it, see if i can awaken the old spark and loose endless amount of hours doing crazy events with crazy people.


See ya around.



Here's a duckling for cuteness factor:


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Hey there and welcome aboard to the RPC! :thumbsup:


Once you have a good idea of your character, you can toss up a Making Connections post here on the RPC which should get you some contacts to hit the ground running! It helps to have an idea too what niche or direction you'd like to go with your writing, too.

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