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Some friends looking for a heavy RP FC

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Hey everyone! I'll keep this short so we can jump to the good bits! Me and a small group of friends are searching for a heavy RP-FC on Balmung. If you think you have room for 3 or 4 new members let me know in the comments or a PM?


What we don't want:


1. Some sort of tavern FC. A tavern in a FC is fine but we've done the tavern thing several times and don't want to do it again thank you!


2. Less than 10 active members. We've also done the small thing, and want to try larger this time.



What we do want:


1. Medium to large FC with FC wide plots.


2. A FC that would accept researchers and a morally grey-evil type character.


3. A CST timezone FC if possible (not a dealbreaker)



What you would get:


1. At least two active members, perhaps 3.


2. Events! I myself love making larger events though I limit myself to one every few months.




Thank you for taking the time to look at this! Please direct me to any websites or tumblrs your FC might have if you're interested.

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