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Wallpaper-esque junk

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Lulz Photoshopz


Felt like making a wallpaper-esque type image. Too small of a resolution for my monitor, but it was one of the only good images of a moon and field I could find (Since google just turns up a ton of New Moon Twilight bullshit now when you search for anything with moon in the title). Might do a few more seeing as im bored and my classes don't start up for another week.


Photobucket loves to shrink my shit too, original image is 1280 by 652

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Uhhh, nifty! me like!


... Wait a second. Issnt that a sunseeker in front of the grand moon? *gigges and hides*



It's the original sunseeker model, but I like that model *Points to avatar* so I changed her skin tone/hair color to a more Keepers of the Moon vibe.

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Refined my skills a little. Still wish I had a modelviewer so I could put models in positions I want instead of just the ones leaked to us D:


PM me if you want the larger version and i'll upload it to imageshack or something. Also PM me if you have any requests. Can't do much with the few images scattered about but I can see what can be done.

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