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Dealer Looking For Contacts and Addicts!

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Heyo RPC, been a minute since my last post and I've had a lot of time to really flesh out ol' Illust and get a better feel for her personality. Which means I want MOAR RP! She's been a little too cozy sitting in her FC and I need to get her back to her wandering and drug selling ways!


So, I'm looking for contacts, addicts, casual users, even figures of authority, to spice up her daily life! 

Everything from Moko to Pluto and, for those of you who don't mind a little lore-bending, some other drugs of her own making! 


Reply here or shoot me a PM if interested~ :love:


*Edit! Should also mention she doesn't just work with drugs! Poisons and basically any and all plant life that can affect a person's body, she is more than happy to provide. i.e. Hemlock, Nightshade, etc.

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Hey there, if you're looking for folks on the shadier end of things to either form a relationship as competition or cooperation, give the knuckle-heads of Orchid 317 a look! Percival Derolo, Stroud Forscythe, Kanako Moonweaver or Eshea Tende are great points of contact for exploring anything from light plot points to in game contacts to hook you up with either spectrum be it butting heads or supplying minions for hire. 


You can find us in the Mists @ Ward 12, Plot 40. Hoping you find many more like minded folks that help your ideas blossom!

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Hey there, if you're looking for folks on the shadier end of things to either form a relationship as competition or cooperation, give the knuckle-heads of Orchid 317 a look! Percival Derolo, Stroud Forscythe, Kanako Moonweaver or Eshea Tende are great points of contact for exploring anything from light plot points to in game contacts to hook you up with either spectrum be it butting heads or supplying minions for hire. 


You can find us in the Mists @ Ward 12, Plot 40. Hoping you find many more like minded folks that help your ideas blossom!


Awesome, will definitely check you guys out~

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Hey there, if you're looking for folks on the shadier end of things to either form a relationship as competition or cooperation, give the knuckle-heads of Orchid 317 a look! Percival Derolo, Stroud Forscythe, Kanako Moonweaver or Eshea Tende are great points of contact for exploring anything from light plot points to in game contacts to hook you up with either spectrum be it butting heads or supplying minions for hire. 


You can find us in the Mists @ Ward 12, Plot 40. Hoping you find many more like minded folks that help your ideas blossom!


Awesome, will definitely check you guys out~

We also got a drug-related plot and dealers are EXACTLY what we're looking for! I help with the plotting for it, hit me up in game at Jean Lefavre if you're so inclined.

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Y'id would love to buy some drugs :thumbsup:


I don't really know anything about drugs in Eorzea though! But I'm sure we can work something out easily enough. :bouncy:

 Perfect! Hit me up in game! :love:



Hey there, if you're looking for folks on the shadier end of things to either form a relationship as competition or cooperation, give the knuckle-heads of Orchid 317 a look! Percival Derolo, Stroud Forscythe, Kanako Moonweaver or Eshea Tende are great points of contact for exploring anything from light plot points to in game contacts to hook you up with either spectrum be it butting heads or supplying minions for hire. 


You can find us in the Mists @ Ward 12, Plot 40. Hoping you find many more like minded folks that help your ideas blossom!


Awesome, will definitely check you guys out~

We also got a drug-related plot and dealers are EXACTLY what we're looking for! I help with the plotting for it, hit me up in game at Jean Lefavre if you're so inclined.

Oh perfect, I will def. get in contact with you

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