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Well met to you all!


My name is Emi, also known as the mun of many sultanas! I have heard of this forum but didn't have much of a reason to post on it until now.


My main character is Scoot Patoot on Gilgamesh, but I have several Nanamo Ul-namo characters on different worlds:

  • Lich
  • Balmung
  • Gilgamesh
  • Hyperion
  • Malboro
  • Diabolos
  • Faerie
  • Excalibur
  • Sargatanas

Most don't get used, but I like being available to RP on different servers! Each world has a different sort of vibe, I've found.


On Gilgamesh, I run Starry Nights FC Agency <>. I also am guildmaster of my alt RP FC, The Sultansworn <> on the Lich server. While STAR is a general purpose FC for all players, Royal focuses on roleplay for NPC roleplayers.


I have been roleplaying as Nanamo for about a year, and Scoot for a little under two years. On top of that, I'm one of the cohosts of the RP podcast Musecast XIV!


Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you all rather than just lurking!

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