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Morally Ambiguous Gardener Seeking New Home/FC

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I have another thread on here asking for contacts but in light of recent FC dissolving events I thought I'd make a newer, bigger, better, post to add a few more things about my character and also because she needs a new home!

Illust is your average every day gardener who is creepily attached to the greenery she grows and enjoys gettin' high on her own supply of moko. ( and various other not exactly legal things )


She's a bit of ditz, can't really read or write, and has spent a majority of her life homeless, wandering around in the Shroud keeping tiny secret gardens. She also can occasionally be found selling drugs or poisons to just about anyone who asks. ( which may or may not get her into trouble )


She loves to grow any and everything be it harmless Petunias to Hemlock. She may or may not have been banned from the Botanist's Guild because those prudes have a problem with "illegal" and "very highly dangerous" plants. *eye roll*


Though she may enjoy roughin' it out in the woods, she does miss having a place to call home. 


If you need a tiny adorable someone to grow up anything from herbs to poisons, or perhaps an organization that could benefit from selling some potent pot, or just have some space in your yard that you wished looked prettier and want only the most obsessive of groundskeepers, Illust might be the girl for you!

Send me a PM here or find me in game, even if you're not an FC, I just want more people in general to RP with! :love:

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hi illust ur my favorite munchkin



Illegal goods? Yes please! My Daniel could try to find buyers, set up some deals and take some merchandise off your hands :) Hit me up in game or poke me for discord, we'll do business!

Sent a message your way!

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because she needs a new home!

Illust is your average every day gardener who is creepily attached to the greenery she grows and enjoys gettin' high on her own supply of moko. ( and various other not exactly legal things )


Slides over a business card.

Pssssst! Orchid 317 is recruiting. We own a hookah bar but also do some pretty shady stuff too. You should totally check us out and ask us any questions.


EDIT: Percy totally beat me to it and I only just now notice. But my post is cooler. B)

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because she needs a new home!

Illust is your average every day gardener who is creepily attached to the greenery she grows and enjoys gettin' high on her own supply of moko. ( and various other not exactly legal things )


Slides over a business card.

Pssssst! Orchid 317 is recruiting. We own a hookah bar but also do some pretty shady stuff too. You should totally check us out and ask us any questions.


EDIT: Percy totally beat me to it and I only just now notice. But my post is cooler. B)


Haha I will admit yours post does have a link! ;p  Looks like something I'd love to check out!

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