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Massive gamble! Roegadame on Phoenix looking for RP!

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Hello Hello! I've been hunting for RP, for a long, long time. People have made promises, even made a little cluster of people. But unfortunately nobody ever got around to RPing with me.


As the title suggests, I am on  Phoenix. And it is a massive gamble, I'm just praying to find someone to RP with at this point!


Background on my RP experience



I've been RPing for years now. Altogether 10 years, but the first few I was young, bad at grammar, spelling, etc. But I've RP'd on every major MMO bar Guild Wars 2 and ESO. SWTOR, LOTRO, WoW (I was even part of one of the larger wow RP private servers) and I think I am a fairly experienced and decent Roleplayer in general. I write books and stories in my downtime, so my grammar and language is (probably ok, excuse this post if it's wrong. It's late.)


Who will I be RPing?

As the title suggests, I will be RPing a female Roegadyn by the name of Kalwyn Thorn (In-game name is the same). A Light-hearted Mercenary, loving the feel of heavy armour and a sword in hand. She often goes on many an adventure, but her primary resting places are the Goblet (Where her mercenary group resides) and a small village north of Camp Drybone (The Golden Bazaar). But I am incredibly (I'd say indefinitely) flexible. She's a traveller at heart and I'll always make it work for the RP.




Final Addendum

I do have a house, in the Goblet. It is only a small plot, and currently somewhat unfurnished (But I do have the plans/items ready for it) and I'm sure once I get in contact with RPers, I'll have it furnished in no time. It might see some actual use for once!

As far as time goes, I'm very flexible on that as well, over the next few days (the 2nd of June)  I'll be moving house, but bar that.. Nothing.. For months! I live in England, so GMT would be my timezone, but morning, noon, night, I'm around at wacky times, or regimented times if required! Both weekends and weekdays, too.


If you're interested, either hit me up here, hit me up in-game whenever I'm around, send me a message.. Post.. Carrier Pigeon. Be creative!




Thank you for listening, any questions feel free to ask me as I've probably just forgotten things due to the time! Of course if any  of this is against the rules (Promoting RP on non-RP servers, or anything) I'll remove the post. I've just been searching for RP for so long and this seems to be the last possibility!


Best regards,


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Massive Gamble sounds like an amusing Hellsguard name, just saying.


As for looking for EU RP, I wish you luck in finding it!


If it helps, there's been talk amongst the EU folk on the forums about picking an unofficial server specifically for EU players. However, I believe the current decision is to wait until SB hits and when the new EU servers are added. Maybe you could pop into the thread and offer Phoenix up there? Some might be eager to get to RPing on an EU server sooner than SB release so you might get some potential hooks? :blush:

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Thanks for the reply, checked it out, and it would be quite a good name (Hell if I ever make an Alt, Dibsing it.)


I doubt I'll find people on Phoenix but I'll keep searching! Hopefully Stormblood might hit up some new desire to RP on people on my native server!

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I'm open for it. I'm still new to it and will likely make mistakes, but I play a Qestir Au Ra. Her profile is in my signature. I know my spouse found an RP linkshell that he joined even though he's not currently RPing yet. I posted the name in one of the threads about Balmung locking for someone else who was interested. I haven't joined it myself because I'm a bit shy about joining up with stuff without getting an invite first.


Anyway, if you don't mind a complete newbie who's learning the ropes, I'd be up for it. I believe most of the FC that I'm currently in (Debauchery / Vice) is also RP-friendly with several having previous RP experience in other games.


I recently moved from Bal to Phoenix to play with them because most of them are European and Bal was locked for all of them, so I don't really have many or any connections yet. I'm a bit shy at that kind of thing, eheh...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! Sorry for the really late reply, I have gave up hope and stopped checking, then early access came out.. If you're ever around IG drop me a whisper (Or send me your name in a message here) and we can see about maybe sorting something out. (Unless the name in the Signature is yours, if it is I'll keep hitting it up in /who until I get lucky!)

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

[align=center]:bouncy: hey hey hey:bouncy:[/align]

im on phenix! 


are you willing to teach me to RP?


im a healer (WHM) 


i feel the most cofterble beeing a lala but i mite drink some thing interesting frome time to time



im interested in lore frendly and cere free RP


my name isent lore frendly to the lalafell i know :blush:

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  • 1 month later...

Heya is Hope this post is still working i'm in phoenix as well in RP ls if you are still looking rp please send tell to Aiden mercer (tho i'm not owner of the ls) but so i could get you in there when you want but i hope i would hear from you guys some point ^^

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