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Ala Mhigan Engineer looking for FC

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Hey guys! First time posting here but I'm no stranger to RP.


I tried my best to avoid hopping on the Ala Mhigo bandwagon. That, uh, didnt work too well. So here I am, looking for an FC, LS, really just about anything for my characfer, Albrecht Beringer.


Conceptually, Albrecht WAS a conscript in the Garlean military, where he worked as a magitek engineer/mechanic. However, news of the attack on Baelsar's Wall was a wake up call that, if he didn't leave and fight for the liberation of his country, he would die complicit in its oppression.


Defection has never felt sweeter.


I'm hoping to join an FC on him that will have at least some interest and stake in the Ala Mhigan Resistance, though being solely focused on that is not necessary. Anywhere he can put his tinkering skills to good use, he'll be happy.


Beyond FCs, I want to meet some new people and make some new connections, so don't be shy! Feel free to hit me up here or in game. I'm still leveling madly to unlock machinist, but I'm always happy to chat.

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Hey there!  I know this post was a while ago but I thought I'd drop you a line anyway.  The Veil is an organization that operates behind the cover of being a steakhouse.  The main mission of the Veil though can be found on our FC here.


I will say that we definitely have our attentions on Ala Mhigo given it's current state with the occupation.  I think you could definitely find a home with us, and I'm sure we could make use of an engineer. ^^ 


If you're interested you can either drop by the steakhouse (Lavender Beds, Plot 40 Ward 7) or shoot one of our officers a message (Larswith Medwyn, Shady Individual, or Zavineau Ravalis).  If nothing else you can always swing by for the RP or to chat!

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Hi there! I'm sorry this post slipped under my radar! Missing_Aria's reply brought it back up so I had a chance to spot it this time. The Dufresne Bellworks is an Ishgardian manufactory/charitable business which has a strong interest in magitek, both Garlean and built in Eorzea (such as Ishgardian Machinists). More details can be found here if you're interested in applying!


The Bellworks employs people from across Eorzea (including several Ala Mhigans and Mhigan Resistance members, along with a couple of Garlean deserters) and is interested in developing technology across the realm - so an interest in the soon-to-be war in Ala Mhigo is somewhat inevitable!


If any of this sounds like your style or even just a group you'd like to casually RP with, feel free to shoot any of our officers (Eliane Dufresne, Gwenneth Gilrouis, Martiallais Heuloix, and Hyrtwyda Eyhafrynwyn (myself)) a message in-game or on the RPC, or, if you've reached Heavensward, feel free to poke your head in to the public Charity Ball happening on Friday the 9th in the Pillars!

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