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Occult researcher and rich girl looking for an assistant or servants

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Zaza Skywright never had any interest in becoming an airship engineer like her father - one of her cousins would be better suited anyways. She was always more interest in the unusual, no matter if more on the normal side or occult.

When she turned 14 she discovered an Elezen, one of her father's employees, practising forbidden magic. Or rather: he was in posession of a Black Mage's soulstone and used it for different purposes. Not only for more powerful magic but also Voidsent summoning, which Zaza did not know for a long time. After she catched him in the act of using magic that was clearly forbidden she threatened him - she was not the nicest girl and is a bit better now - to teach her because she was fascinated by it. All of his studies were so interesting and different from the usual. She studied Thaumaturgy under him - while also joining the guild for a few years - and learned to handle the destructive side of magic. She was already an adult for quite some time when she discovered that her mentor tried to summon a Voidsent that was too strong for him to control. After it attacked him he tried to defend himself and wounded it but got killed by it - but it was wounded enough so that Zaza could struck it down. This showed her that the Void is a subject that not even a researcher of the occult should touch which she, thank the Twelve, never did before. She took her mentor's soulstone and polished her newfound Black Magic - of course, never using it in public or in front of others.


Not much later she joined the Artifice of Reason, a group of researchers whose mindset really aligned well with her - Be better, there is no alternative. She joined them and finished her trial where she learned that her magic could be used for more than just destruction. The director also changed her for the better and she is trying to help them out in her own ways. Her special area being occult studies like undead, Black Magic and the like. Although she would never summon undead - her studies are more like countermeasures against them which is also true for Voidsent. Researching something can also be used to fight it.


I would like to find some new connections for Zaza after I changed her a lot. She can still be a bit snobby but isn't as bad anymore, she even managed to make friends in the Artifice. She was more of a distrustful loner before that and when she studied alone. This changed and she may not know a lot about working together but is trying to learn it. For the connections:

- She could have found an assistant for her occult studies which I would put in a grey area when it comes to legality. Like, she isn't summoning something forbidden but she still studies the related subjects which is why she won't make her works public and keep them for the Artifice. The assistant could also learn destructive magic from her and should be ICly more of a beginner or amateur when it comes to that. Although that's just optional. Just the occult part would be enough. The best would be someone who would be willing to join the Artifice but that's just optional as well and not required.


- If you have another idea, just ask. I'm pretty open to a lot of things.

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Lorelei Molyneux, the second daughter of a lesser branch of House Dzemael, has had hundreds of hours of free time in her 19 years. In this time she has found interest in several forms of magic, from conjuring to thaumaturgy, and more recently the Ishgardian use of astrology. However, unlike her older sister, Lorelei has a penchant for wandering - which she does frequently (much to her retainer Albertine's friendly fussing), as such her study of astrology, combined with ideas from her other arcane understandings, has slowly turned away from the regular teachings of Ishgard.


Perhaps not one for joining any specific organization, Lorelei would be appreciative to a friendly rival and accomplice of sorts.


OOC: Both characters have a noble background coming from Ishgard and are interested in the arcane. Maybe not an assistant, but someone on the healing aspect to counter and balance someone using darker magics? 


Quick addendum - I realize my info to the left says 'Gilgamesh' but I do have several characters on Balmung, Lorelei included.



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Lorelei Molyneux, the second daughter of a lesser branch of House Dzemael, has had hundreds of hours of free time in her 19 years. In this time she has found interest in several forms of magic, from conjuring to thaumaturgy, and more recently the Ishgardian use of astrology. However, unlike her older sister, Lorelei has a penchant for wandering - which she does frequently (much to her retainer Albertine's friendly fussing), as such her study of astrology, combined with ideas from her other arcane understandings, has slowly turned away from the regular teachings of Ishgard.


Perhaps not one for joining any specific organization, Lorelei would be appreciative to a friendly rival and accomplice of sorts.


OOC: Both characters have a noble background coming from Ishgard and are interested in the arcane. Maybe not an assistant, but someone on the healing aspect to counter and balance someone using darker magics? 


Quick addendum - I realize my info to the left says 'Gilgamesh' but I do have several characters on Balmung, Lorelei included.



Yeah, that could work, thanks for the offer. I just noticed I never specified what kind of noble she is but Ishgard - even more reason to keep everything secret - could actually work, her being a Hyur and all. (I don't know much about Ul'dahnian nobility, after all). I guess her family would be a branch of the Fortemps dynasty.

I also think that destruction and healing can go hand in hand quite nicely if you do it right. Two sides of the same coin and stuff.

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If you'd like I've got a character or two to play with. My main is a magically disinclined fellow leaning on the chaotic selfish end of the asshole spectrum, an average guy with a sword who does dirty deeds for dirt cheap. Could act as a mundane foil for some of the more fantastic elements, a dour pack mule trodding along making sure something doesn't kill someone when forbidden research inevitably wakes something up.


My alt is similarly magically disinclined, using homebrewed/asspulled/disgustingly-not-canon stopgaps and weird folk ritual to achieve the same effects as conventional magic. She could play more into the part of a willing assistant to study and trade theory in her own way. Hit me up if you're interested, I guess.

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While not entirely what you asked for, a person dealing in the matters of occult would surely benefit from contacts in the criminal underworld, be it to obtain information, manipulate trade or authorities, or get items that can't be bought in shops. 


If you think a friend from the dark side could be of use to Zaza, you're welcome to contact my Daniel. Here's more about him:





Looking forward to hopefully meeting you!

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Hey, sure thing. Maybe you'd even be interested in being an ally of the FC she belongs to (Artifice of Reason). We are looking for that and it doesn't matter if they are criminal or not, part of an FC or just a single person. Otherwise a contact for just Zaza would be enough, too.

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Hey, sure thing. Maybe you'd even be interested in being an ally of the FC she belongs to (Artifice of Reason). We are looking for that and it doesn't matter if they are criminal or not, part of an FC or just a single person. Otherwise a contact for just Zaza would be enough, too.


I'll gladly work with your FC too, the more contacts the better. I won't join as I'm already a part of an FC, but cooperation is very welcome! If you have Discord to discuss stuff a bit more easily, feel free to PM it to me and I'll add you.

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No problem! The whole allies thing is only for non-members, anyway - there is no need to be an ally if one already belongs to us, after all.

Edited her heritage - she's not an Ishgardian noblewoman anymore but just from a rich family.

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