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Character Draft

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I've been trying to create my character and was hoping for some critique.  I want my character to fit into game lore, but being a new player it has been kind of difficult.  Writing is also not my strong suit.  I am hoping this will help me improve.  Thank you in advance for any advice you may provide.


Name: Mana Obinata

Race: Raen Au'ra

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height: 5'0"



Mana is a rather conservative individual.  She doesn't like to draw attention to herself and often does things on her own. Despite her somewhat antisocial tendencies, she dreams of someday entertaining crowds with stories and songs of heros and adventures.  This leaves her rather conflicted on if she should try to interact with Eorzeans more than just running errands.  She has an interest in Astrology, but having left Sharlayan she has decided to give up on that venture.


Mana also loves to cook, but doesn't like to share.  She gets embarrassed easily and has a horrible sense of direction.  One time she was asked to deliver some fresh Gysahl Greens from Bentbranch Meadows to a vendor near Gridania's Adder's Nest.  It took 3 days of travel and a stop in Fallgourd Float before she managed to find her way.



Mana doesn't remember much of her homeland. She hadn't even seen 10 summers when she was suddenly dragged away from her home by her mother and she assumes the father that she doesn't remember the face of. All she remembers from her childhood were waves, thunder, and the shouts of people outside her small room of Mildewed wood. All she knew after that is a small part of Sharlayan. Her mother would make Doman style clothing for the residents who were considered to have eccentric tastes.


As Mana aged, she decided to learn how to use a bow to help provide food for her family.  They were rather poor and she knew any help she could give would make life easier for her mother.  She also picked up the habit of dressing herself down to avoid gaining the attention of others.  It didn't take much observation to know that Au'ra were extremely uncommon in Sharlayan and Mana didn't want to bring attention to herself or her mother.  Both the use of the bow and the lack of embracing her people's culture brought much ire from her mother. 


Eventually, Mana decided to give up hunting and instead worked at a quiet tavern not far from where they lived.  There she discovered her love for cooking and music.  Music especially stuck with her as it helped her cope with the occasional visions she would have as she ran into new people.  Some had told her it was a gift, but to her it was nothing less than a curse.


As Mana reached her 19th summer, her mother became very sick.  In hopes of coming up with some way to help her mother, Mana delved into arcana in hopes of gaining some knowledge or funds to cure the illness.  She had no skill as a Conjurer, which left her in a state of depression.  As her 21st summer passed, her mother continued to decline.  In a last attempt, Mana turned to Sharlayan Astrology in a desperate attempt to heal her dying mother. 


Not long after meeting a representative, Mana received word that her mother had passed, but by her own hand instead of the disease that ailed her. A note and a small bag of coin was all that was left to Mana.  The note explained that her mother, despite the ire she had about Mana's choice of appearance, was proud of her daughter and wanted her to go and find her calling in this world without the burden of mother who could no longer get out of bed.  In respects to her mother, Mana decided to travel abroad and find her own place.  Not even a year after, Mana finished her preparations and headed to Eorzea.



Father is a shinobi who who often worked for Doma. Not much is known about him as Mana's mother withholds information in hope that Mana doesn't go to chase her fathers battles. Unknown if he is still alive.


Mother used to live in a small village not far from Doma. During the Garlean Occupation, Mana's father pulled strings to have both of them leave the area to the more neutral nation of Sharlayan in attempt to protect them from the backlash from any kind of rebellion that may happen. Her skills as a weaver kept food in their mouths and a roof over her head, but barely afforded much more. She ended up becoming sick from an unknown disease. Without the money to get proper care, she ended up killing herself so Mana wouldn't feel obligated to care for her or see her suffer.

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I won't talk about lore since there are many with a finer eye to those details than I, but one thing that did stick out to me that is of some concern is your mention of antisocial tendencies coupled with easy embarrassment. It can be difficult sometimes for players of such characters to find rp unless they have a plan in place (ie setting up situations that force interaction). It can be hard for other characters to engage yours if she's always trying to leave conversations or goes unresponsive when someone tries to engage in conversation.


However, I also noted that she's worked in a tavern before -- has that helped her to build a sort of professional/worker's personality where even if she's withering inside she's still able to put on a bright facade and engage in social niceties?

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I won't talk about lore since there are many with a finer eye to those details than I, but one thing that did stick out to me that is of some concern is your mention of antisocial tendencies coupled with easy embarrassment.  It can be difficult sometimes for players of such characters to find rp unless they have a plan in place (ie setting up situations that force interaction).  It can be hard for other characters to engage yours if she's always trying to leave conversations or goes unresponsive when someone tries to engage in conversation.


However, I also noted that she's worked in a tavern before -- has that helped her to build a sort of professional/worker's personality where even if she's withering inside she's still able to put on a bright facade and engage in social niceties?


You bring up a good point that I didn't think of.  I will have to re-evaluate that portion or add some development due to her having to work with the public at a tavern.  Maybe anti social wasn't the correct term to use so I will definitely change that to something a little easier to work with.

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