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As well aware, SE has locked down the "unofficial" rp server from transfers and character creation. I understand the reason why. I have read plenty of forums about it, both good and bad. My feelings on it is that while Balmung has been declared the "unofficial" rp server, other servers are not getting the people who rp because everyone just goes to that one rp server for more rp opportunities. I did awhile ago. If SE did what WoW did with their server designations (rp, rppvp, pvp. pve, ect.) would that help this game? 


Regardless, the 16th/20th is coming soon and while I am on Balmung, I have a friend who is not. We want to rp and experience the content of FFXIV together. So my question is, besides Balmung/Gilgamesh. What other NA servers have a good rp community. My friend and I are looking for a server to rp/quest in. So if you will represent your server and feel like your server would be a good rp server to join, please let me know why. Around the 16th, I will converse with my friend, and we will make our choice. I look forward to seeing you online. Thank you for your time.

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I recommend checking out the available Free Companies listed here on other servers as well as Linkshells!  It might give you an idea of what's currently going on with certain realms to give you a perspective on how active or inactive a place might be. 


Since you have a wee bit of time too until the 16th, I recommend making a temporary alt just to check out the scene too for any servers that catch your interest. You might not be able to travel the whole wide world, but just being within a city and looking at chat can often give you an idea. : )


Best of luck!

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I'm a ancillary member of Lamia's RP community, and while it's small, its a pleasant one. Certainly a very different feel from Balmung's community, which can be good if you're looking for a truly new experience.

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Hello! Im seeing a lot of advertising for Mateus in here, which I've been hearing fairly good things about if you decide to head over! However, I thought I'd pop in to also bring up Jenova as an option. We've got a fairly nice community over here as well, with a good few RP companies, linkshell, and fairly regular events as well ^^ 

Regardless where you end up, I wish you and your friend all the best!

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I'm hearing rather positive things about Janova, Lich, Cactaur directly.  There's also known communities on Mataes, Famfrit, Leviathan, Satgantas, and Lamia.


There's a discord called the "FFXIV RP Locations Hub" you can find here that may help find a location that's right for you two.  (https://discord.gg/nqjmdSd


In any case, I'd hold off on transferring off of Balmung for now as it's a one way door at the moment.  Create alts on the other servers you want to try out and test the waters.  It might be helpful to know what server your friend is on so we can try and point you to a community that already exists where they are established.

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