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New Player, Old Rper. (Where do I go!?)

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Hey all. First off I'd like to say I'm excited to be apart of a new RP community. The first time excitement is always fun. I'm an old WoW Rper who's been there since vanilla and was looking for something new. I've fallen in love with FF as a game and figured it's time to give RP a try here too. Here's my dilemma!


I was going to pay to transfer my toon to either Gilgamesh or Balmung, but it seems due to Stormblood dropping soon, they are locked even to paid transfers. No worries, I have no problem starting somewhere new with a smaller community. My question is, where would be the best bet? I've read a few posts around the forums and it seems as though Mateus currently has the most support. Anyone Rping there already who would recommend it? I'm open to anything, just want a good idea of where to start.


Anyway, thanks for any who take time to read, even if you can't help with getting me started. Looking forward to being here.

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Hey there! First off welcome to FF and the RPC! I personally don't play on mateus but I have heard some things here and there about more RP headed its way. If you are looking to transfer though - Jenova also has a fairly nice RP scene! There are a few different really nice RP free companies, a linkshell for rp coordination, and fairly regular events folks put on for the community! 

Regardless where you end up, I wish you all the best! ^^

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Welcome aboard! 


You can also take a look at the discord I advertise in my signature. It has a collection of people from quite a lot of servers that you can ask questions etc :) And otherwise connect with. Hope you find your home!

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