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Ex-Garlean Looking for Connections!

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Hello everyone! I've resubbed to FF14 since the expansion was close to release and due to my IRL schedule freeing up a bit. To keep things short, I've decided to start anew due to not liking how my previous character turned out. As for my new character, still a W.I.P, but here's a quick rundown of her.


Elian Roseheart:


Brief Bio:

Before moving to Eorzea, Elian lived as a citizen of the Garlean Empire before enlisting herself as a soldier when she was of age. During her military career, she suffered an injury that resulted in her losing the ability to speak. Years later, she found herself in a situation that forced her to leave her home. Having nowhere else to go, she decided to flee to Eorzea under the guise of a refugee, not wishing for others to know of her Garlean heritage. When she arrived in Eorzea, she employed herself as a mercenary and has been working as one since then.


Elian herself is a friendly person that tries to remain neutral at all times. Well...she tries to at least. Being a former member of the Garlean Empire, she still holds some bias towards them if the topic arises during conversation. Since she lacks the ability to communicate verbally, she mainly relies on her writing to communicate with others.


As for me, I'm pretty open to anything RPwise. Casual RP, plotlines, etc. I'm more of a late night RPer so I tend to stick around until 3 AM PST.


Thank you for taking the time to read this. Feel free to PM here or in-game if you're interested or have any questions.

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Hi! Welcome back and happy returns! I'd absolutely be down for RP. Athil Thorne can usually be found hanging around at the Quicksand when he doesn't have anything better to do. Athil's also often the one to approach first, so feel free to PM me and ask him to walk up if you see him around!

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