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Dev. Blog - Signed, Unsealed, Yet to be Delivered...Not Yours


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Hello all!

Fernehalwes here.


I know a lot of you guys have already seen the new box art (on sale August 27th, pre-order yours today), but thought you might be interested in how else it is being used. First, I found this massive tapestry on display in one of the dev team meeting areas:




Rumor has it that all of the gear shown here is actually in the game! Which would mean that bookish beauty in the mortar board on the far right is...!!!


Ahem! I also saw these sweet signed posters drying on the desk outside the director's booth:




Now tell me those wouldn't look good in any steakhouse, rumpus room, or dental clinic waiting area.


I would have signed them as well, but they ran out of room and it was either me or Art Director Akihiko Yoshida. I let the poor guy have it....this time. ;)



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The thought of having Scholar in FFXIV has me excited. I had been considering playing Arcanist some, but that would seal it. I was an every-mage in FFXI with SCH as a main. Being a SCH again would be perfect.


They should sell prints of the poster. I'd get one.

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Hehe, I'm quite excited, doesn't that means Scholar will also be able to use Carbuncle, IF it uses the Arcanist class to progress?


Possibly, but it seems more likely that using Scholar would take away Carbuncle, in order to further differentiate the job from Summoner.


Arcanist is described as a class that uses grimoires for DoTs and debuffs and summons Carbuncle, which reads to me like a mix of the old XI Scholar (somewhat) and Summoner. So if Arcanist can advance to either Scholar or Summoner, it looks to me like if you go Summoner, you would lose most of the DoTs and debuffs in favor of having more powerful primals to summon, or if you go Scholar you lose the summoning in favor of more powerful magic and DoTs. Basically the class would do a little of both aspects, but the two jobs are both masters of a single aspect.


Just speculation right now of course. We'll see come launch.

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Hehe, I'm quite excited, doesn't that means Scholar will also be able to use Carbuncle, IF it uses the Arcanist class to progress?


Possibly, but it seems more likely that using Scholar would take away Carbuncle, in order to further differentiate the job from Summoner.


Arcanist is described as a class that uses grimoires for DoTs and debuffs and summons Carbuncle, which reads to me like a mix of the old XI Scholar (somewhat) and Summoner. So if Arcanist can advance to either Scholar or Summoner, it looks to me like if you go Summoner, you would lose most of the DoTs and debuffs in favor of having more powerful primals to summon, or if you go Scholar you lose the summoning in favor of more powerful magic and DoTs. Basically the class would do a little of both aspects, but the two jobs are both masters of a single aspect.


Just speculation right now of course. We'll see come launch.

Losing features from the Class that your Job is derived from was something that did not happen. I sincerely doubt it's something that will happen, ever. There's few abilities that were even made redundant, because Jobs are designed to enhance and focus, not replace or subtract.


I think Carbuncle should be thought of more as a familiar, not a summon in the classic sense. It's the Arcanist's partner, a constant ally, not a special ability used briefly. For the Summoner, Carbuncle will likely be still of use, but not as essential as the mighty Primal avatars. For Scholars, making all the standard assumptions about their existence, Carbuncle would continue to fulfill the same role as for an Arcanist, but the Scholar's own powerful specialty spells would be such that it is less vital.


Where Carbuncle is a training device for prospective Summoners, for Scholars it is a useful assistant.

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Losing features from the Class that your Job is derived from was something that did not happen. I sincerely doubt it's something that will happen, ever. There's few abilities that were even made redundant, because Jobs are designed to enhance and focus, not replace or subtract.


I think Carbuncle should be thought of more as a familiar, not a summon in the classic sense. It's the Arcanist's partner, a constant ally, not a special ability used briefly. For the Summoner, Carbuncle will likely be still of use, but not as essential as the mighty Primal avatars. For Scholars, making all the standard assumptions about their existence, Carbuncle would continue to fulfill the same role as for an Arcanist, but the Scholar's own powerful specialty spells would be such that it is less vital.


Where Carbuncle is a training device for prospective Summoners, for Scholars it is a useful assistant.


Well, if it does use Arcanist, I think i'm going to be in a dilemma over Summoner/Scholar, it's making me look forward to launch even more! Beta has been so much fun so far and all this teasing just doesn't help! hehe.

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