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A gregarious Bard, jaded Paladin, and former poacher walk into a bar...

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Hello! Chances are if you're here it's from one of the Mateus discords or OOC RP linkshells. I'm looking for connections for my decided three mains. (That's right, three mains. Fight me.)


I consider myself a heavy RPer, but not to the point that the occasional OOC joke or comment breaks MUH IMMERSION!!1  I abide by the lore the best I can and prefer to RP with those who do as well. Bending it occasionally is fine.


I play the game quite a lot, but the nature of my work means my schedule can sometimes vary, so I can't give any set hours as to when I'm available for RP on any given day until usually a day or two in advance. 


The best way to contact me is either to message me here or hit me up on discord at Greenley#0160 as opposed to in game. I am always open to general RP, especially outside the taverns.




These are the characters I'm seeking connections for: 


Bray: Bard. Gambling addict. Curious about pretty much everything. 



Bray already has a wiki page here, but basically he's what you'd expect your friendly neighborhood bard to be with a bit of veiled insecurity mixed in. Has a gambling addiction he doesn't acknowledge as such and will bet on basically anything. Likes the finer things in life -- food, clothes, pretty people, and naively envies the wealthy of Ul'dah. Although born in Gridania, he presently lives in the Mists with two other guys who are less than keen on how he keeps having cook outs for people in their Ward. 


He will be the eventual proprietor of The Grapevine and one of several hosts of the events there. 



Looking for:


- A lot. Nearly everything but an FC as I have my eye on one for him already (just waiting on a friend to get their computer fixed). New him as a kid? Let's work something out. Backalley hooker who wants a drinking companion? Great.  Standoffish person he annoys? You bet.




Tahla: Former poacher. Private Third Class Twin Adder. Blooming Conjurer. 



Tahla is a Keeper of the Moon from one of the more ill-tempered poaching tribes in the Black Shroud. It was what she grew up with, all she knew, and of course to her, the Wood Wailers were the ones encroaching on their space. Although she hasn't and likely will never entirely lose her wariness of them, she began to reconsider her take on Gridania as a whole after being healed by one of it's citizens who could have easily left her for dead. 


Tahla's seemingly abrupt fascination with Conjurers led to a few raised eyebrows at best and outright derision at worst. She eventually sought out her savior and has since become a "reformed" citizen of Gridania and member of the Twin Adder. 


Due to her accent, she will often avoid wordsss that would broadcast it. She is also illiterate, but seeks to learn. 



Looking for: 


- An FC of some sort. RP-heavy, lore-abiding, with a good alighment / theme. The more focused on helping, the better, but it could also be an FC with a role that has this focus. 


- Perhaps a character who was the one to help her? 


- On the flip side, maybe she can find someone else half-dead in the forest and help them. Any race, gender, whatever. 


- Any other ideas. She's the least occupied of the three as it stands.


- Some sort of healing mentor.




Nicholas: Free Paladin. Jaded. Obsessed with attaining knowledge on Ifrit / tempering. 



30s, Midlander. Born into a low class family in Ul'dah. Although scarcely little of it, there was always food on the table, and his empathetic parents agreed to stretch themselves and their meager budget that much thinner by taking in the son of two Ala Mhigan refugees. 


At first indignant, Nicholas came to view the boy as something of a brother. The pair were often seen dueling with sticks; both aspired to and would eventual become Gladiators, but their paths diverged from there, with his "brother" returning to his true parents in Little Ala Mhigo and Nicholas pursuing the path of a Paladin under the Order of the Sultansworn. He felt this a means to "do good," as he'd been taught, while maintaining a measure of dignity and respect, something his beloved but too altruistic parents tended to lack his eyes. 


However, before any fealty to the Sultana was sworn (as was his plan), Nicholas received word of his childhood friend's capture at the hands of the Amalj'aa. By time he was located, the group of captives had already been tempered on behalf of Ifrit. 


Hard-nosed, intractable Nicholas found he had a bit of his parents' soft side in him after all and was unable to slay his friend himself, despite a pact they had made in one of their many idle worst-case-scenario conversations. He turned the tempered man in to be formally executed. 


Nicholas is now a free Paladin whose increasingly morally grey habits are thus increasingly unbefitting of the title. He has a deep but very muted obsession with Primals and tempering, specifically in searching for a means to reverse it. OOC, I know this is not a possibility, but IC, Nicholas is a man whose greatest mistake and greatest loss are one and the same, and it's not only a matter of truly trying to find a "cure" as to prove to himself -- though subconsciously -- that there was nothing he could have done better to save his brother. 


I am looking for: 


- An RP-heavy FC that doesn't take a hammer to the lore on a regular basis . Likely a shady one, in a reasonable / realistic way (not the we-stab-people-in-public-then-brag-in-taverns-the-next-day sort). However, if there's any "good" alignment FCs that will have someone of his temperament, I'll gladly consider that. 


- Anyone he could have known from childhood. 


- Contacts of any sort, from Sultansworn he may have met during training to lowly prostitutes. 


- Tentatively seeking someone for him to bodyguard. Could be tied into an FC. They would have to have some semblance of riches or importance, or perhaps the resources to help his tempering research (even if they themselves don't know that's his motivation).


- Tentatively seeking a pre-established wife / long-term SO. Nic has a sentimental streak he's begrudged to acknowledge but is none the less there with family. I think the contrast to him in a home environment versus a professional one could be interesting AF to write if I can find the right person to mesh with! 


- Whatever else. Contact me if you have another idea.


- A mentor? Someone to mentor (in general sword fighting / brawling)? 


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