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Little merchant all alone

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Tataza Taza is the youngest child to a wealthy merchant in Ul'dah. While her father is not a part of the Syndicate, his business is well known throughout the land.


Tataza was a rambunctious but sweet girl growing up, doted on by her eldest sister, and teased by her older brother. But like so many others the Calamity changed her. Her sister's death caused her to become a bit uppity and hotheaded but deep down parts of her formal self still remain wanting desperately to take over the family business to keep her sister's memory alive (she doesn't trust her brother to do a good job). Tataza knew to impress her father she would have to do something big. So she decided to become a gladiator, a not very good one, and representative to spread the family name and business outside of Ul'dah.


I'm new to Mateus and rping IG so I'm open to joining a FC or LS if you think we could mesh well. I'm a medium rper as sometimes I just want to level her a bit OOC. I think some possible connections are you knew her, or sister, before the calamity, are a merchant, are traveling a similar path, or are a bodyguard or retainer hired by her father. I'm open to other ideas though. Thanks for reading, I hope to hear from someone :D

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