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Pre-Orders! Be careful!

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I know we're all excited about the pre-order options for ARR, but take it slow! The default order platform is for the PS3 version of the game.




Don't just hit 'submit' as soon as humanly(or miqo'tely) possible! The other options are on the lower right of the screen in the "Also available in:" section. Choose wisely.

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I'd like to tack on, if you are ONLY interested in the physically goodies.  get the PS3 copy from your Local stores.  The online distributor system they are using for the PC CE is the same company that ROYALLY screwed up the Ni No Kuni Wizard edition pre-orders.

 YIKES! Let's hope they learned their lesson.

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I'm really excited to recieve my PC Version CE, I'm hoping they don't mess it up, but I'm also unsure if Zavvi will give me the Pre-order bonus... I should maybe take my pre-order reciept to SE customer support and see if they can redeem the pre-order for me~


Who knows maybe they havn't updated their site yet with pre-order bonuses on Zavvi.

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I'd like to tack on, if you are ONLY interested in the physically goodies.  get the PS3 copy from your Local stores.  The online distributor system they are using for the PC CE is the same company that ROYALLY screwed up the Ni No Kuni Wizard edition pre-orders.


Thanks for the tip. I have heard the WE horror stories. I was going to get the PS3 version of XIV at some point anyway.

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I might get a CE if I can afford one, and if our income situation stabilizes a bit more. Unfortunately, about the only video game retailer close to us is...Wal-Mart. I'm not sure which is more inept!

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I'd like to tack on, if you are ONLY interested in the physically goodies.  get the PS3 copy from your Local stores.  The online distributor system they are using for the PC CE is the same company that ROYALLY screwed up the Ni No Kuni Wizard edition pre-orders.

This post actually saved me a couple of dollars :thumbsup: Despite having bought the original CE I was planning on purchasing the new PC Collector's Edition as well as a standard PS3 edition, but now I can order just the PS3 CE. Honestly if I had the money I would have bought CEs of both versions, but I'm kind of poor.

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