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LF Steppe Xaela friend for a Keeper traveller!

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[align=center]Syzih Quibilah is a Keeper of the Moon miqo'te with a penchant for wandering that would put even the unluckiest males in her clan to shame. While she delights in the more innocent kind of pranks and tomfoolery, nothing makes her happier than seeing that smile of hers shared on the faces of those she interacts with, even when they're upside-down.[/align]




[align=center]Having been missing from Eorzea for the past few months, I've decided that her errant feet have taken her to the far shores of Othard. In particular I wanted her to learn and - in some small way - become involved in the lifestyle of the Steppe Xaela.[/align]


[align=center]To that end, I'm looking for a local to become her friend and confidant, who might learn from her as much as she'll learn from them! [/align]




This is a basic list of what I'm looking for:


- The character MUST be a Xaela native to the Azim Steppe!


- While they can belong to any tribe, I would prefer if they were of the Qestir. Mastering non-verbal communication would be something that Syzih would latch onto instantly. 


- I'm looking for the RP to operate EXCLUSIVELY in the Steppe and other Othard regions. Kugane included! Syzih has no intention of leaving the continent anytime soon, and for the most genuine experience I want her to be interacting with a native with the same intent.


- Someone who can work with PDT/PST (Pacific) timezones. I live on the west coast of North America, and while I RP with people from all over, if it might prove troublesome on your end, let me know! 


- Gender is a non-issue as long as it doesn't present a cultural barrier(i.e. a male Xaela from the Buduga tribe). Syzih is keen on poking fun at and digging holes in certain beliefs she deems "silly", which could likely lead to a kind of permanent conflict and distrust that I am not looking for.




- I am NOT looking for romance RP, which includes relationships of intimate and sexual nature. I am looking for a friend for Syzih, not a lover.


- While I am content with mature themes in roleplay, I prefer to avoid especially gruesome scenes or plotlines. While I'm sure this won't be an issue here, please /tell me if you believe otherwise or wish to clarify.


- Syzih is an alternate character. My main is Admiah Kreiston, and as such I am mostly found playing as her. This will lessen the volume of RP, but by no means do I intend for it to be scarce. As long as we're both interested in doing so, I'll work hard at keeping Syzih and her friend's interactions frequent!




[align=center]I'll be updating this post over the coming days, with more tidbits I deem necessary as well as a picture or two of Syzih. If you're interested in what I've got to offer, please post a reply, send me a message on this site, or contact me in-game! (If Syzih Quibilah doesn't respond, try sending a /tell to Admiah Kreiston or Sage Emeraude, my other characters!)[/align]


[align=center]Thanks for reading, and for those of you who like the idea, I can't wait to hear from you! :D[/align]

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This is a wonderful RPer, and the character in endless amounts of fun to interact with! I highly recommend them if you're looking for someone who can blend equal parts comedy and thought provoking situations.

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