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Fortune Teller in Town

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Hello everyone,


Jonah Goode recently came to town in Ul'dah and made a quiet name for himself as a fortune teller. This happening is quite recent, and thus should be a small rumor but one of interest enough to bring attention to the young Astrologian. He seems to be charging a variety of amounts for different requests; the more specific the question, the higher he charges, but he is also doing pro bono work for those with simple and rather easy requests to answer.


Aside from being a small talk of the town, Jonah is actively looking for connections with other members of the community. He is the scholarly sort but is devout in his belief of the fates, the gods, and his cards. He believes he is but a channel fate speaks through - he plays the cards that deliver the message, it being up to the receiver of whether or not they believe in what the cards say.


OOCly, I use tarot readings based on the FFXIV cards to give your character a mostly random and purposely vague fortune. Nothing said is meant to be taken as literal unless worked out beforehand by us OOCly. Also, the charges are made in imaginary gil, but donations are more than welcome!



If anyone is looking for scholarly and devout connections with a seemingly distant and mysterious figure, Jonah is your guy. Seek him out at the adventurer's guild in Ul'day or around the desert city. If any wish to set up a reading with Jonah, all they have to do is shoot me an IC private-message here, and a reading can be set up with little problem!


This is something new I am trying as a player, and would appreciate it greatly if the community helped me do that. I am an experienced roleplayer, though I am new to FFXIV's community.


Thanks all and have a good one!

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