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Sekiseigumi Blades

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This is an OOC linkshell primarily intended to connect those who are interested in or currently are RPing a member of the Sekiseigumi in Kugane.


Addendum: A secondary intention is also to connect those who may be interested in regular general or antagonistic interactions with Sekiseigumi RPers.


Contact info: Please send a tell to Wise Judge if you'd like an invitation to the linkshell. Note that you may be asked to present your Sekiseigumi character first to confirm their race.




  • Pending further possible information in future patches on the Sekiseigumi organisation's racial composition, this LS is currently only accepting Hingan (natives of Hingashi) characters using Midlander or Hellsguard character models in regards to Sekiseigumi characters.
    • Reasoning: At this point, there are no Raen Sekiseigumi NPCs, (unless they're all hanging out in Shirogane). As such, I prefer to err on the side of caution rather than risk, however negligible the possibility may be, that Square Enix might go in a future patch, "Oh, the Sekiseigumi don't take in Raen for X reason," thus necessitating a potential culling in order to remain lore compliant. In my opinion, it would far simpler to simply be restrictive at this time and then, should there be Raen NPCs in the future, open up the linkshell to them rather than risk the previously mentioned situation.

    [*]There is no gender restriction at this time.

    [*]The Sekiseigumi has been stated to be made up of commoners. As such, those characters of already established samurai, noble, or otherwise privileged descent will be accepted pending a review of their character's reasons for joining (To clarify, this applies if your character is supposed to already be a member of the Sekiseigumi). New recruits of the Sekiseigumi are exempt, as are ronin.

Why this isn't IC as well: To my knowledge, there is no information at this time that suggests that Far Eastern organisations make use of linkshells/pearls.


Outfit: Until such time that SE deigns to release a similar or preferably same outfit as the Sekiseigumi uniform, RPers of such characters will be forced to improvise. At this time, I suggest using the level 66, i279 Striking gear (Doman Steel, Marid Leather) with the chestpiece/legs dyed Wine Red and gauntlets/boots dyed Soot Black for an "armored Sekiseigumi" look which can be handwaved away as a response to an influx of more heavily armed foreigners (the Shinsengumi, which the Sekiseigumi are based off of, did wear light mail suits under their robes, and the reasoning for the "escalation" seems sound). The Sekiseigumi mon (emblem) can be described as being on the back of the coat in the center of the top half of the dark section of the upper back and on the pauldrons. I stress that this outfit should be replaced at the earliest convenient opportunity should SE make an accessible version of the Sekiseigumi uniform for SAM. These suggestions are to encourage some level of uniformity in appearance until such time we're able to farm or otherwise acquire the actual outfit.


The Sekiseigumi NPCs in-game use the Baldur Katana available from Neverreap/Fractal Continuum (Level 60 HW dungeons). If, however, you're like me, and have real bad luck when it comes to drops, valid explanations for your non-standard katana are acceptable, i.e. a gift from family, so on and so forth, until such time that you are able to acquire it. Plus katana are hardly indestructible, so spares are not out of the question.


LS chat rules: Please refrain from excessively engaging in topics such as, but not limited to...


  • Real life politics/religions that might be considered unrelated to the nation of Hingashi/the Far East (for example, Abrahamic religions would likely be unrelated for the most part, whereas others such as Shinto or sects of Buddhism would not be)
  • Topics of an adult nature such as sexual intercourse, kinks/fetishes, and other such subjects.
  • Unsubstantiated rumor milling. (X told me Y did Z.)
  • "Discourse" that may be occurring in-game or on third party websites such as tumblr or reddit, unless it directly impacts the linkshell, in which case I ask that a linkshell leader/owner be notified so that an investigation may be launched.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love this idea, but would you consider opening ranks a little more and allowing for characters that relate to the group too, rather than just those strict races and types?


I edited the OP the previous evening to allow for those unaffiliated with the Sekiseigumi who are interested in regular general or antagonistic interactions in the small addendum (second paragraph). I am unsure if the wording is unclear or not, so if you know a better way to phrase it, please inform me.


In regards to the race restriction, I also edited in my reasoning for the decision not long before this reply to your post. I simply wish to avoid a situation like the one Dragoon RPers had to deal with, wherein SE stated that Ishgard only had like, ten active capital-D Dragoons, so all the Ishgard-affiliated Dragoon RPers had to scramble for a reason as to why they were suddenly not an active Dragoon and such.


So I'm just going off the races represented through Sekiseigumi NPCs, which use Midlander (majority) and Hellsguard (relative minority) character models. I scoured Kugane for Raen, but they only appeared as sailors and merchants unless I missed someone, which is not impossible. So unless there's a levequest or other source that mentions Raen Sekiseigumi, then there's no representation of that race in the organisation at this time.


To be frank, I think the lack of representation is laziness on SE's part. In the 60-70 SAM questline, they reuse the same three male Midlander models in various cutscenes, so my personal opinion is that they just didn't care to add more variety to the models. Or maybe they forgot about Raen. Or maybe Raen are now all fish lizards of some kind instead of mountain people since the folks in Sui-no-Sato talk like they're representative of the Raen population and all the other Raen outside of the village in-game have mostly been involved with maritime occupations. I dunno. But until further information is released, I, again, would prefer to err on the side of caution. Easier to ease up on restriction than to clamp down on it.

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