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Pirates seeking compatriots

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My compatriot and I are recent transferee's to the Mateus server, and we're having quite the difficult time finding anyone to play or roleplay with due to the odd hours we're available (Being night shift really makes it hard to keep social contacts). So we're hoping that there are other individuals out there that have odd hours, enjoy morally grey roleplay and don't mind a little booty hunting so to speak.

Our characters are a gentlemanly pirate captain who's confidence is far too high for someone who's recently nearly lost their ship, and his trusty navigator the only crew member who hasn't abandoned him so far.


We're not huge sticklers when it comes to roleplay, as long as it's fun and the misspellings and grammar mistakes aren't glaring, we're not english majors after all. We're just looking to have some fun and enjoy the game (and roleplay community) casually.


We can be found in game as Trail Arnizay and Chess'a Raeh. Hope to see some of you all around!

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My husband and myself both tend to be on early morning or late nights. if you wanted to get in touch. Dunno what I can offer but maybe we can work out something. :3


Sadly my husband is a bit shy rp wise with strangers but I have hope he'll warm up to folks.

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