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To be honest, I think we lost more from the EU folks bailing to Omega then we did to Mataes. Events I stick my nose into in US Prime are still rather heavily populated.   There's a lot of random walk up RP I see in the main cities.  


The most recent one I attended was crescent's beach bash which had, at a loose count, around 100 people turn up.  I don't really have a good estimate as we had model culling was going on.


While we've lost some events on the calendar I think most of those were more from people shutting down for the expansion than leaving the server.  I'm starting to see more of them show back up and new ones get added as well.


Balmung is still going rather strong and most of the usual folks are still around.

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I'll echo Erah- Balmung is as strong as it ever was, and little is going to change that. Now, given, there's not a lot of actual growth going on with the server locked down, but we did have a lot of old players come back and reconnect with the community- so there is growth of a sort, anyway.

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I do hope we don't get too far on this topic because I know someone will start one hate bashing comment and it will escalate from there. We should make a forum rule in the future to not have server bashing (not saying this is either. It's not)

Balmung is still the same if not a tad better since more people left because of impatient mentality to wait a moth or so for servers to stabilize (regular server shutdowns helped)

And mateus is still growing despite their housing issue (which I say look it up instead of talk about it).

Maybe in 4.1 transfers will come back but for now I advise people with at least one character on balmung to NOT transfer them off unless you REALLY want to or it's needed because you don't make alts.

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As said above, Balmung is still going very strong and there are many RP events. Though I have noticed a lot of RP has moved to Kugane, the Quicksand is still populated and Crescent's beach bash was huge. Some players are still playing through expansion content, but the login queues aren't even a thing anymore.

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