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Hello! It was recommended to me to make a post here in Making Connections, and so here I am!


My main (and only) character is Es'mena Nenda and she incorporates my insane love for pirates. However, she's not technically a pirate herself...which is where I'm wondering if anybody would like to help or join in! The way I have her story written is that she used to be a pirate but was more or less blacklisted/her reputation was ruined at sea, so she went to the air instead. She is now an airship captain (through some finagling and story~) and focuses mainly on smuggling rather than piracy. But she dreams of returning to the sea sometime before she dies or is too old to do so.


So! I'm wondering if anybody is interested in any of the following:


1. Business partners! Need goods shipped? The air is the way to go! Maybe they can be new business partners or established! She also transports passengers as well, so maybe your character regularly uses her as a mode of transportation!


2. Old ties - bad! Pirate captains at sea might know her name. While the only charge I've drummed up (partially due to laziness T u T) has been killing her own captain in a failed mutiny attempt, I've written that much worse has been said about her to earn her that blacklisted brand. PLEASE feel free to make up your own heinous rumors about what she might have done that got her booted off the seas. Maybe your character genuinely believes it! Might be fun to run into one another for some good old fashioned antagonistic RP!


3. Old ties - good! Maaaaaaybe you're a pirate captain that thinks it's a little fishy (no pun intended) that she suddenly turned on her captain - and that the other rumors sound really weird. We can always run into each other and talk it out! She's looking to try and change her reputation back, so it would definitely offer an in for some story and RP!



If you are interested in any of this (or have an idea for something different!), please feel free to hit me up!


In game: Es'mena Nenda

Discord: Jessipalooza#0508

Tumblr: jessipalooza.tumblr.com


Hope to see you all around! 



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I looked at your wiki and saw your character is interested in books. My character runs a quiet bookstore with too many books and some great reading spots. If you're interested, my name in game is Kerrath Ellouelle--send me a whisper.


Hello! Thanks so much for the reply - Es'mena absolutely LOVES books! I should be free sometime this week, so I will look for you and pop you a whisper! I'd love a good reading spot for her! Thanks so much! ♥

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmmm . . . I could see a business tie in here between your character and my FC. Perhaps she could be the person who we ship and receive supplies from for our tavern and "other" interests. 


If you'd like to discuss, OOC or IC, a possible shipment deal feel free to hit me up in game! Alyria Winchester is the name. Or message me here. We will get it figured out!

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Hmmmm . . . I could see a business tie in here between your character and my FC. Perhaps she could be the person who we ship and receive supplies from for our tavern and "other" interests. 


If you'd like to discuss, OOC or IC, a possible shipment deal feel free to hit me up in game! Alyria Winchester is the name. Or message me here. We will get it figured out!


That sounds great! I'm a little busy until Sunday with a big server event on WoW, but I still like to hop in and add people - I'll shoot you a friend request and a PM so we can work something out!

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Hey there! If you're in need of business connections (especially of that nature...), I might just be able to help with that! Feel free to hit me up in-game (Shady Individual) or via PM on here! Best of luck in the contact-building process! :thumbsup:

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