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[Omega] An NA player on an EU server?? It's more likely than you'd think!

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Heya folks. Long time lurker, first time participant.


Or something like that anyhow...


Cool! So, where to start? Let's see... Oh I know! So I've got a load of RP experience under my belt (so to speak) from waaaaay back in Vanilla WoW days (please don't hold that against me.. I was young! I didn't know any better!), to GW/GW2 and finally to my current resting place of The Secret World and Secret World Legends where I'm one of the co-leaders of a multifaction RP cabal that has been going strong for 5+ years.


Oh, I've also got LARP and D&D experience... even the old MSN Chat rooms where my RP career began. Damn, that makes me feel old. Ugh.


Whoops! Starting to ramble. Sorry!


SO back on topic, I moved to Omega from Mateus during the early access of Stormblood. More often than not you'll find me doing one of the following:


1) Playing my main. Brandt Sundance, Astrologian extraordinaire and aspiring Samurai who dreams of nothing more than settling down and opening his own restaurant. He's adorable, a wee bit irritable and in spite of these things VERY approachable.




2) Playing my primary alt. Mira Cross, rising star of the Red Mage order who is on an endless quest to charm people into buying her all the things she could buy herself but is far too cheapskate to do so. She's sweet once you get to know her, but... well she has a thick shell.


I should make character profiles.


As for the me behind the keyboard... Ah, I'm boring. You don't need to know about the person.


Currently looking for a linkshell to join so I can make some RP friends and will probably seek out an FC some time down the line.


Look forward to meeting everyone!

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