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Night's Watch [FC]

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We are a late-night roleplaying Free Company on the Balmung server of FFXIV looking for new recruits. Many Free Companies operate during the hours of the afternoon and evenings, while late night players go lonely with most of their guildmates offline during the time they are on. This company aims to give those players a place to belong, and have their fellows in the company play during the same time that they do.


Specifically, the aimed hours of play for the Free Company are between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. using the timezone of UTC -7, or GMT -8.


Night gathers, and now our watch begins.


Website: https://nights-watch-rp.enjin.com/


Limsa Lominsa is forever an employer of protectors to its ports, land, and shipping routes. Adventurers are often hired to assist in this, a lucrative proposition for both parties. One area that was recieving less volunteers and applicants for were the late night patrols and guards. It seems that Pirates preferred to spend their evenings making merry with ale in taverns like The Drowning Wench. In order to fill the needed positions during the late hours, Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn opened a new division under the name of Night's Watch, open for hiring all manner of adventurers and sellswords.


Members of the Night's Watch have two duties given to them. Firstly, to fix and fill any gaps or problems with security during the night. And secondly, to protect Limsa Lominsa and its connected villages from all threats. In the second duty, the division is given full reign to do as they see fit. This works fantastically for adventurers, who are now given official position that allows them to explore and seek out potential trouble.


While many in the Night's Watch simply take on late shifts with port security, others explore all of Eorzea both in the night and day in order to seek out and curb potential threats to Limsa Lominsa. In this division, how will you assist the land? That is up to you.


If anyone is interested or has any questions then PM me here or reply to this post or contact N'tyaka Zhwan in game.

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Hey there! I think this is an absolutely great concept, both icly and oocly, and I was wondering if you guys might be interested in being possible antagonists for a group of rather morally-grey/underworld-esque individuals? If so, feel free to contact me in-game(Shady Individual) or hit me up on here in a PM! Looking forward to hearing from you, and best of luck towards building up your forces! :thumbsup:

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