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The Punching Scholar, Needing New Friends (and maybe romances)

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[align=center]Meet Delwyn Forester. Half-Bred Hyurgadyn, Alternate Magical Expirimenter (*cough* Blue Mage*), Scholar and researcher into the Arcane and Beastiology, Gentleman Brute, monster hunter and tamer, and your new RP buddy!


Delwyn is a mixture of pure educated gentleman, and silver tongued and flirtatious trickster, mixed into one already mixed bred basket. The man is built rather well for someone who focuses his time in books, and this shows when one brings up his field of study. He is one who tries to mimic magical abilities and qualities of monsters through existing means, much as the fabled blue mage might. Through this, he keeps a small(ish) farm of creatures he studies and attempts to tame... Sometimes with much less than healthy results.[/align]


[align=center]Otherwise, he is a mercenary for hire in between his studies and duties to an unnamed constant client. Often taking escort work, and trying to not take anything involving harming innocents. He does focus any work that comes with a chance for him to study something new, and often takes over the role of the cook of the troupe he travels with.


SO in short, the man is a very educated pugilist with a love for studies and meeting with fellow scholars to share notes, but he does have his vices and does find time to show them. He would be considered a protective Papabear if it wasn't for the occasionally crass comment. Romantically he leans to heterosexual but has had a curious one night stand from too much drink before so it isn't officially set in stone, though he is most likely to flirt with a lass.



Tumblr: WIP

Wiki: WIP[/align]


[align=center]What I Am Looking For[/align]

[align=center]-People interested in uncommon studies

-Tamers or hunters who would like work

-Anyone who would be interested in helping with these studies

-Any Faction or group who would like to employ or invest in his studies (I.E. LFguild)

-Anyone who needs a chef![/align]

[align=center]-Anyone who just enjoys a playful trickster and flirt.

-Anyone who enjoys the company of a studied gentleman[/align]

[align=center]-Open to Romance, drama, conflict, Roleplayer is 21+ years old. Does not accept death without ooc conversation, or maiming/longterm injury. Normal injury is fine.

-Does not ERP to just ERP. Open with equally of age roleplayers, but I prefer longterm story amidst it. Romance doesn't have to happen, but would prefer there be more than a throwaway RP.

Note: I don't actually use ingame gil for RP purposes as I'm still leveling and don't have much to spare. I also lack the latest expansion SADFACE!

Note: This is a repost of my old topic. I've lost all my contacts and need to rebuild my RP friendships list, as walkups for me have failed HARD![/align]

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Hey there! Welcome back into the contact-building fray! I might know a few contacts who would likely love to get involved in studies and scholarly-esque work. I might also have a job for you as a chef in the near-future, if you'd be interested in that! Please feel free to PM me or catch me in-game (Shady Individual)! Looking forward to hearing from you, and best of luck in your rebuilding process! :thumbsup:

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Hey there!


Think I can toss you a few bones, here... 


You're more than welcome to take a gander at Miriamele's Venture Board considering Delwyn is a mercenary. Now, the venture board does have a side that includes some things that are a bit more morally grey, but if you're looking to capitalize on the mercenary-with-a-heart and saving-innocents deal, there's a whole lot of jobs that are pretty much up your alley (especially in the vein of monster hunting). If you're looking for something more permanent, you can check out The Veil as well, or even Sable Tree, whom are a pretty good group from what I've seen.


Next, there's The Savage Wilds, which might just cover your sphere of beastiology, monster taming and general networking with other characters prone to wander the wilderness for one reason or another. We've had a few meetups so far and the Linkshell is still growing, so there ought to be plenty of opportunities here to link in if it tickles! 


Last but not least, you're certainly welcome to run into Kasi on the road sometime! Much like Delwyn, she's a mercenary, a cook (of meat- exclusively- breads need not apply), and tends to travel around a lot exploring, meeting folks, and occasionally brawling with them. She's largely a pretty grey character who can show up to play a role in a large number of ways- she can be a drinking buddy just as easily as a rival, or even an antagonist- just depends on what you'd like! I'm typically available all day on the weekends, and after 5 PM CST on the weekdays. 


Hopefully some of these are a pretty good matchup, but regardless, best of luck on your search!

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Hey again Thunder! We actually had discussed Kasi working for Del in the past before I reworked and racechanhed him, and my long hiatus due to finances. I'm actually on the discord for the venture board and once my game updates I plan to pop in and take jobs.


Morally Grey doesn't bother him. His morals are mostly based around not harming innocent people or causing chaos for chaos sake. So there is some leeway for what he can tolerate :P


I'll hunt down what we had before and expand it based around the new Del and throw you a PM, or grab me on discord if I'm slow.

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