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As the title suggests, I'm new...ish.


I'm not new to roleplay at all, as I've been doing so since 2005. Around 2011 or so I took a break from actively RPing until about mid-July of this year when I first started RPing on the Mateus server. I've already made some pretty solid friends both IC and OOC, so I hope to continue having fun and doing big things for Eorzea out here.


My character is Aurelion Ejderha, Xaela Dark Knight that somehow managed to avoid the edgy stereotypes I'm sure are associated to the class. I'm still not totally familiar with the FFXIV roleplay alphabet (I refer to the DRP, MRP, CRP, LMNOPRP, and so on. I obviously know what ERP is -- I've been around the block long enough), but I suppose I lean more towards the MRP, from what I understand.


At any rate, good to be back in the RP game. I'm a bit rusty, I'm sure, but don't hesitate to check me out.

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(I refer to the DRP, MRP, CRP, LMNOPRP, and so on. I obviously know what ERP is -- I've been around the block long enough)


DRP - Dark RP, I guess? I read it as DERP and it amuses me more.

MRP - Mature RP.

CRP - Carpenter!

LMNOPRP - Light-Medium, No Popotoes RP (I made that one up)

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