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Not all who wander are lost, but Jenon may well be, because he wonders all the more. Often his thoughts carry him away with them, leaving his feet to move of their own accord, until at last his senses return to the present and he finds himself surrounded by the unfamiliar. In the metaphorical sense, Jenon likewise feels adrift in the world, rueful to find scarcely few he can connect with... and yet making minimal effort to change this.

[align=justify]Although reserved, Jenon's outlook on life and people is an optimistic one. He's inclined to give others the benefit of the doubt, to find the trace of good in all situations and to try and improve them when he cannot. He is driven more by his principles than any risk or reward, working tirelessly for things he believes in. The tedium of daily life, however, is often neglected; it's not unusual for the young Elezen to suddenly recall he hasn't eaten the entire day.



[align=justify]He has two passions in life: the mastery of as many foreign languages as he can find teachers for, and the continual progress of his personal bestiary. So far, its pages don't extend much beyond the creatures of the Twelveswood, but he daydreams of witnessing greater beasts Eorzea has to offer firsthand. In the meantime, he is often seen bartering with those traveling through Gridania for anything intriguing they have with them, such as horns, scales, and feathers.



tl;dr: Reserved but upbeat Duskwight lad looking to make his own bestiary and learn some languages. 

Possible hooks / other info: 


- Bartering with characters who have anything of interest they salvaged from a slain beast they look like they might be willing to part with.


- Any possible language tutors or practice buddies.


- I think it might be interesting to RP him with some highbrow Ishgardian Elezen.


- Other stuff. I'm helpful. 


- Romance wise, he's for men or women, probably hyur and elezen more than anything.  






[align=justify]A Highlander of Ala Mhigan heritage. A free paladin to whom there is no such thing as a lost cause. Evelyn all but defines herself by both the needs of society and those of her more immediate associates. For better or worse, barring the utterly despicable and downright unreasonable, she is able to sink or rise to the level of whoever sits across from her without much trouble.



[align=justify]Evelyn is a natural leader and adept communicator, unflinching in the spotlight, yet in mixed company there is always a part of herself she holds back. A personal part that seems to her more apt to interfere with her goals than anything. What's her favorite color? Who knows. As someone more preoccupied with what could be than what is, she'd rather be discussing more productive issues anyroad.



[align=justify]To call her well-organized would be a vast underestimate. Her residence, her armor, her weapons, she keeps them all in as pristine a condition as possible. Her fervor for order goes hand-in-hand with her perfectionism; there is always something to be done better in Evelyn's eyes, to the point the shortcomings of others will at times make her question her own capabilities in the same regards.



tl;dr: Well-meaning perfectionist paladin who enjoys sunsets, long walks on the beach, and wasting her time trying to change people. 


Possible hooks: 


- I would like for her to meet some reasonably played criminals to try and persuade into a more noble lifestyle. Success and failure is equally welcomed! By reasonably played, I mean no one who strolls into the Quicksands and boasts they just burned down an orphanage. 


- RP with other paladins. 


- Mentors or students, past or present. 


- Would looove any adventure-type RP with her outside the cities. IC dungeons? IC FATEs? Something!


Her romantic preference can be either men or women, possibly any race but lalafell.





[align=justify]The daughter of two stray Hellsguard, herself born in Ul'dah, even at a young age Sparrow was fiercely independent and all the more curious, one to instantly take notice of anything novel or out of the ordinary. She was a common sight to see out and about; practicing her haggling, conversing with outsiders, training among the pugilists, and observing gladiator matches, of which she would eventually take part at a young (though not prodigious) age. There she suffered defeats and celebrated victories in equal measure, earning herself the title of 'The Blood Sparrow.'



As she grew, so too did her envy of adventurers and wayfaring merchants. She traveled through Eorzea, all the while continuing her training, and was brought to pause by Ala Mhigo's Fists of Rhalgr. Her raw talent was evident, her affable personality made her popular among a fair number of her peers, but she was none the less regarded as something of a problem student due to her inherent restlessness. She had already given up and returned to Ul'dah to continue her stint as a gladiator and mercenary when the Monks of the temple were effectively culled by the mad king. Shortly thereafter, a mission gone awry nearly cost her life and did in fact cost her limb. Burdened by a prosthetic wooden leg, Sparrow immured herself in her Goblet home to bemoan her fate. Until suddenly she reemerged, a shrewd but humorous business woman, as fierce in commerce as she was in combat.



[align=justify]Though she makes a point to remain physically capable, she has begun to show signs of her age and the toll her lifestyle has taken, from the deepening wrinkles around her eyes to the disconcerting pops of her back and remaining knee when she stands too quickly. Or sits too long. Or turns too much. Or...



tl;dr: Middle-aged former gladiator turned merchant. 


Possible hooks / other info: 

- Sparrow is in her mid-to-late 40s, so it stands to reason she already knows quite a few people. Former gladiators? Childhood friends? 


Sparrow is one of my still-living shadier characters. Although jovial in social settings, she is in fact a bookie and does not react kindly to not being paid. She has a son, a nephew, and several other Roegadyn willing to get her money, yo. 


- By Land and Sea is a Roegadyn-centric LS being formed by myself and the great Europhos Herltrach, It will eventually be an IC means of communication with weekly to bi-weekly gatherings. Sparrow is invested in keeping Roegadyn in touch with one another, so feel free to whisper for an invite. 


- Business contacts! Note she won't ally herself with anyone who makes a habit of publicly bragging about their misdeeds, though. 


- Her romantic preference is men. It's unlikely anything other than roegadyn will catch her eye, save perhaps a highlander.



BAYARD [/align]




[align=justify]As certain as the tide and nearly as unstoppable, Bayard Rothera is a man of spirited curiosity and, like many of his Limsan ilk, was raised with equal parts adoration and reverent fear of the sea. In the rare event he strays from its waters, he'll long to return sooner rather than later.



[align=justify]The man's aether reserves are all but non-existent, crippling him so far as magic; instead, he arms himself with daggers and practical knowledge on a multitude of subjects. Tying knots? Skinning an antelope? Ship rigging? How to barter in Ul'dah? Between his natural inquisitiveness and the hours spent reading aboard his vessel, the Layman's Fortune, Bayard truly knows well over half of what he actually thinks he knows.



[align=justify]Although typically relaxed — be it from conscious effort or his on-and-off lackadaisical phases — he reacts with immediate animosity towards any person or situation he sees as treading on his freedom. At his most obedient, he's a devout follower of smile, nod, then do whatever you want anyroad.



tl;dr: Typical Limsan scamp; jack-of-all trades who values freedom above all. 

Possible hooks / other info: 

- Seeking RP with any and all characters with ties to Limsa. 


- Bayard's vessel is capable of hauling cargo, though he does make an effort to avoid anything incriminating... usually. 


- Surprisingly to some, Bayard is a well-read man of various genres, and will likely know of any authors around. 


- In terms of romance, he's in it for the ladies. Presumably anything but lalafell.


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The Eorzean Historical Society and Grand Library is a non-profit establishment of "higher learning" nestled atop a hill in the Mists.



The Historical Society teaches all who come wishing to learn. The library contains tomes on an impressive array of subjects, some of great worth, some of great age, and some that are obscure or of uncertain origins, such as personal journals, ledgers of long-dead family lines, among other things. 



The establishment is sponsored by the Arkwright Foundation, a well-to-do hyur family whose original means of income was their fleet of cargo ships. They have since branched out into other specialties, one being cautious investment in for-profit businesses.



The current head of the family is a woman named Cecelia, to the chagrin of many.  







[align=justify]Cecelia is ants in your picnic, the rain-gravid cloud on what you hoped would be a clear skies day, a paper cut, a neighbor's incessantly squawking chocobo; she is a harbinger of misery and all the more a source of it. The eldest daughter of a business tycoon, she was, purportedly, a typical child. Around age eleven she was struck down by an unusual bout of aether sickness which nearly proved fatal.


[align=justify]The symptoms persist to this day, as do Cecelia's accusations of foul play — her siblings, her stepfather, one of the housing staff, an envious friend, there is no shortage of suspects and no evidence that points to one more than the others. Thus Cecelia keeps things simple and lives in a constant state of suspicion that could well be deemed paranoia.


[align=justify]Add to that being easily stressed, overly competitive, and quick to lash out in the face of criticism, it's a small wonder anyone can tolerate her outside formal business meetings, where she sits in enduring silence, staring off into nothing while her attendants settle things. Ultimately, though, she has final say in all investments. And the Arkwrights have plenty to invest.




For the most part, Cecelia is a plot-heavy character and is rarely played outside RPs that involve the FC or the stories of its members.  The FC is seeking ally groups or potential enemies (in so much as a library can have enemies), as well as other FCs or events that the Arkwrights might invest in. 


While these investments will mostly be RP-only, there may be gifts of real gil in order to sponsor events such as (but not limited to) tournament prize pools or paying wait staff for serving at a gala.[/align]

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Hey there!


I would love to RP with any of your characters in a less significant role. I met Swiftest Sparrow a few weeks ago at the Argentate (TW-RP cafe). I got the feeling she was less than impressed but I also caught her on her way out so we didn't really get a chance to interact.


Anyway, I need past relationships for my character as well so perhaps we could figure out a way that one or two of them are already acquainted?


Now twenty-seven years old, N'eve grew up in Ul'dah, working for both respectable as well as shadier outfits, so Evelyn is an option there. Having spent a few of her more recent years hanging around Limsa Lominsa, Bayard sounds exactly like the kind of guy N'eve would have dated—so maybe an ex-boyfriend/lover or just someone she hung out with from time to time? And, of course, it's always possible that Swiftest Sparrow and N'eve have met or worked together in Ul'dah in the past (they were just playing it cool when they bumped into each other at the cafe *wink wink*). I'm not sure how N'eve would find a connection with Jenon or Cecelia...


The catch here (if you haven't managed to find one already) is that I am madly in love with my FC—the Aureate Ward—and make them my priority when I'm on-line. But since there isn't always something going on with them, I have a bit of wiggle room to fit more RP in. My free time is usually later in the evenings (9-12pm PST). If you're interested, feel free to poke me on Discord (LittleBird#2917) to chat or work out details.

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