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ed10 v2: some combat system I wrote up once


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hey guys long time no see. I mentioned offhandedly in one thread I don't remember that I might just offer a combat system to the masses one day - after seeing ravean's posted (and recently updated it looks like) I decided it was about time I put up mine.


be warned, it's barely formatted and a bit of a mess - I'll fix up the presentation/amend my rambling at some point. criticism/suggestions are welcome, assuming they're not "delete this immediately"


for anyone asking "where's v1?": I never posted it here and I won't because it sucked


here it is!!!

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Looks like a fun system, I will give it a shot.


if you end up running something with it, it'd be cool to know how long it took your players to pick up the system and figure it all out - I tried to make it all simple enough to allow it to be set up minutes before an event starts, mostly because I know that there are plenty of roleplayers who don't have experience doing tabletop stuff

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