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(Mateus) Midlander looking for long-term RP Partner

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[align=center]Gwynhwyvar Dracht[/align]

Character description:

Standing at 5'2" the petite, lithe Midlander woman gives off the air of being all business. Typically seen in her professional attire, her attitude serious for the most part. Hair up, clothes pressed and matching. Years of training under various companies and with a varied manner of weapons has left her lean and toned. But not without her own, feminine softness.



Though she's prim and proper on the outside, within, she is truly a romantic. Prone to laughter, fond looks, gentle touches and playful teasing, all she needs is someone with the patience and desire to see beyond her uptight demeanor.



Her modest Mist home is filled with flowers, betraying her gardening habit. The paintings that lay strewn about; keepsakes from old friend. And the fresh, salt tinged air that soothes the senses, as she preferred to keep the windows open as often as she can. If not her at her document covered desk she can also be found, curled up next to the fireplace- book in hand.



Short background:

Gwynhwyvar was raised out in Vylbrand. A simple life consisting of fishing and farming with her family. After tragedy struck she sought out training from the marauders guild. Taking up axe and joining the Maelstrom to help protect those around her. After many seasons she branched out on her own, taking up mercenary work for gil, taking up other forms of martial weapons and training. Now living the life of adventure, she seeks to make friends, and find a companion.



What am I searching for:

Looking for a long-term RP partner. Someone to do dungeons, msq and other content with. Can lead into romance and more. Some Discord RP is also welcomed but looking mainly for in-game. Server: Mateus

My Availability:

I work Monday through Thursday from 3pm-2:50am EST and am usually online from 3am until 7/8am. Friday-Sundays are free and the schedule varies as to when I'm online but typically stay until late.



My discord is: Gwynhwyvar#4928 

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[align=center]Gwynhwyvar Dracht[/align]

Character description:

Standing at 5'2" the petite, lithe Midlander woman gives off the air of being all business. Typically seen in her professional attire, her attitude serious for the most part. Hair up, clothes pressed and matching. Years of training under various companies and with a varied manner of weapons has left her lean and toned. But not without her own, feminine softness.



Though she's prim and proper on the outside, within, she is truly a romantic. Prone to laughter, fond looks, gentle touches and playful teasing, all she needs is someone with the patience and desire to see beyond her uptight demeanor.



Her modest Mist home is filled with flowers, betraying her gardening habit. The paintings that lay strewn about; keepsakes from old friend. And the fresh, salt tinged air that soothes the senses, as she preferred to keep the windows open as often as she can. If not her at her document covered desk she can also be found, curled up next to the fireplace- book in hand.



Short background:

Gwynhwyvar was raised out in Vylbrand. A simple life consisting of fishing and farming with her family. After tragedy struck she sought out training from the marauders guild. Taking up axe and joining the Maelstrom to help protect those around her. After many seasons she branched out on her own, taking up mercenary work for gil, taking up other forms of martial weapons and training. Now living the life of adventure, she seeks to make friends, and find a companion.



What am I searching for:

Looking for a long-term RP partner. Someone to do dungeons, msq and other content with. Can lead into romance and more. Some Discord RP is also welcomed but looking mainly for in-game.

My Availability:

I work Monday through Thursday from 3pm-2:50am EST and am usually online from 3am until 7/8am. Friday-Sundays are free and the schedule varies as to when I'm online but typically stay until late.



My discord is: Gwynhwyvar#4928 


Hello and welcome! Your character story seems well put Together and thought out :) from the times I've been on I don't think it'll be too hard to find what your looking for, best of luck though regardless, and if ya see me around come say hi! I'm usually on weekdays while youre at work but weekends you may see me about

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