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The Cat Came Back (and more)

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So, with Stormblood around and my getting bored with other MMO's I,ve tried recently, I decided to come back to this marvelous game and community.


Problem is, it's been so long (since before Heavensward) that I don't know anyone anymore. :o

And it looks like some of my old fellow Balmungians moved to Mateus too.


I started a new alt over there but I'd like for my old crew to make some new connections as well!


I'm looking for anything from OOC Linkshells, to RP Free Companies, and from IC interactions to story/event involvement!


Old characters wikis listed in signatures. :D

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Welcome back!   


I have characters on both servers, the RP communities seem different.   Balmung seems more private as many of the FCs/Linkshells do their plots/scenes away from public view.   Mateus seems to be more open in their RP, maybe it is their way of casually recruiting people to the RP fun.


Both Mateus and Balmung have very active Discord Servers dedicated to being RP hubs that make it easier to find opportunities to get your foot in the door.  Unfortunately, I don't have the links handy on this laptop.   I'll look them up later and post a reply.


EDIT:  Got them Discord links


Balmung - https://discordapp.com/invite/bhg2r3m


Mateus - https://discord.gg/HPbYNFU

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