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Hey Everyone! Looking for a longterm roleplay partner.

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[align=center]:chocobo: Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to sit down and look over and read through this. As the title suggest I'm currently looking for a longterm roleplay partner for my main character right now. I'm willing to even see if we can get a group together, make friends for her and even look for love interests!. I will be adding in rules, and how to contact me down in the bottom a description of my lovely character without ruining to much of her story and her backstory by being as vague as I can be and as descriptive as I can be. Anyway without further adu lets go ahead and get going! :chocobo:[/align]




[align=center]Fyr O' Raha Tia 





[align=center]Fyr O' Raha ( Pronounced "Fire-Oh-Ra-Ha-Te-Oh") is a 23 year old Miqo'te of the keeper of the moon tribe. She was unable to hone any skills in the dark arts, or magical arts so to speak when it came to elemental magic, however she made up greatly with her agility and ability to adapt to her surroundings as a thief and a ninja of the night so to speak. [/align]


[align=center]Most of the time she seems out of it during the daytime, drowzy or half awake if she needs to run errands unless she actually slept through the night for once given her practices it is safe to assume her favored time of "day" would be nocturnal hours for her. [/align]


[align=center]She may have her street smarts to a degree, calculative when she needs to figure something out fast, and try to comprehend things, however not necessarily understanding what is good or bad.  You see she lost her family when she was only three years old to a raid that had occurred through their small village, flames burning bright and fights breaking out left and right. Her parents did everything to protect her. [/align]


[align=center]Hiding her away as best they outside in tall shrubbery and hidden inside a hollowed out log only to leave and return back to their home, not wanting to leave any trail or trace to their youngest child, making sure her older brother was still alive and ready to try and hold the fort or leave before it was too late. Because of her young age she knows nothing about this night, nothing about her family, or what it's like to even have one herself.  [/align]


[align=center]Being a thief, she only steals what she needs, never out of spite or for pleasure. She only does it for survival or for those who is in need. For example she see;s nothing wrong with stealing a few coins from someone who has a bit to spare to give to the poor, or the orphanage who need help rather then it sitting getting dusty. To her she doesn't understand why this is scolded and looked down upon. She would stand up to anyone who was hurting another to try and protect them, and would lay down her own life to do what she thought was best. That's why she was so thankful for the thieves Guild for welcoming her and teaching her more ways, even though they brought her in for her skills, she was getting coin, food, and a place to rest her head after winding up in Lominsa after pit pocketing gone wrong and almost getting caught. She had ran as fast as she could and broke open a crate of goods she through just arrived to the city. Little did she know it was about to shove off to Lominsa. [/align]




[align=center]1. No power playing or God Moding is all I ask :3. 

2. If there will be any type of a physical fight please lets roll a dice and make it fair.

3. At least be Semi Lit. I don't mind one liners when it comes to games, most of our actions are done through emotes versus text based role plays. I just ask that you don't TaLk LiKe Dis. 

4. Have fun and respect others OOCly. I get your character might be a dick, just don't be one yourself :D 


5. Limits? I know I don't have any for roleplaying purposes. I'm open to any and all plots usually so it can keep the roleplay unique and spicy and change things up occasionally. I get it, it can grow stale sometimes. However, if you DO have limits PLEASE let me know so I DON'T over step your bounds because I will respect them. However if we are going to have no limits I do ask that you be 18+


:tonberry: Contact information.:tonberry:


[align=center]Sever? Mateus

Discord? Suka#8706

In Game Character Main? Fyr O'rahatia

On here? Fyr_O_Raha_Tia


:D Feel free to give me a shout out any which way you feel comfortable and I can't wait to hear back from some of you pretty soon until then have fun everyone! :D[/align]

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Hey there! :D


Sorry if my reply is too late at night, mind if I join in on the long-term RP group? I've always wanted to be part of some ensemble of characters and experience the development of their stories as they unfold.


My character's name is K'imoh Tyata! ;)

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Hey there! :D


Sorry if my reply is too late at night, mind if I join in on the long-term RP group? I've always wanted to be part of some ensemble of characters and experience the development of their stories as they unfold.


My character's name is K'imoh Tyata! ;)

Hey!! You can absolutely join us! Sorry for the delay I have been traveling recently heh I should be home tomorrow sometime so I will,be able,to reply a little,more accurately as well but the more the merrier!!! Ill send,you a friend request tomorrow!!!

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