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Event Calendar for Mateus

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I've shared how things are set up with a few people over on Mataeus.  Most of them went "oh crap" at the amount of manual work involved in validating / refreshing / vetting events and backed away slowly from my level of insanity.


The backbone of it is just a google calendar and a google form for event submission.  It requires some manual curating as events fall off without notification as people quit / take breaks and you get someone not involved that actually sends the removal requests.  This requires manual validation that the event is really gone, etc.


If real life ever decides to stop kicking me in the shins, I have a framework in place for the discord bot to support multiple calendar feeds and post them to different channels but I barely have the time/energy/sanity to keep up with Balmung and I actually (in the rare occasion RL lets me) play there.

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With the tools Maoilmhin posted, there are also events posted in both of the Mateus RP community Discords. I usually rely on the Mateus Tumblr calendar as they repost events people are running, and on the watching the two Discord event channels. The google doc isn't updated much, outside of regular running events, from what I can tell. 


I would love to see a Discord bot, or some sort of feed that brings the entirety of Mateus events together into one place, but once you know the places to look, it's easy enough to find them.


(Totally didn't mean to quote you, but couldn't figure out how to undo it! :) )

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Getting informed about new events is harder than it sounds.   Especially if you're new to the server like me.

I actually went down the road of creating a new Google calendar and Tumblr before I was made aware of the existing calendar.   I may keep the 2nd calendar around for a bit, but I'd rather just offer that time up for assistance with the existing calendar.


So far, I've just been grabbing events from the Mateus Discords that I've found:

     Mateus RP Hub:   https://discord.gg/Bq2wvGG

     Mateus RP Community:  https://discord.gg/XsBTbZv

     Mateus Server (All Purpose):  https://discord.gg/YJfdGxR


I wish the Mateus RP Community would be more active on RPC.   It can be a bit tedious going through all of the discords.   Partly, because I am attempting to stay active with Balmung people as well.



P.S.  There is a "View Source" button next to the print icon in the editor that should allow you to get rid of unwanted quotes.

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