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New to Jenova and looking for RP

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Well, if this were a year ago I'd have been able to direct you to two popular linkshells but lately I haven't really heard of any. The only one that shows up in the RPC listings is this one. According to the page, it's for communication between FCs but it might be worth a shot asking about it?


I'd also recommend asking one of the FCs if they have a linkshell, Discord, website, or anything else they'd be willing to let you in on without you having to join the FC. After all, if you're considering joining one eventually, they might be willing to let you see what they have to offer. The two I see the most are REC U and RPWay.


If none of that works I know I saw an event advertised in Party Finder that claimed it would be happening regularly. I want to say I saw it pop up on a Friday but I honestly can't remember. Try to keep an eye on PF and look for it. Someone there's bound to have more information than I do.

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Hiya Asher! My name is Aliona Inna!


If you would like an invitation to the Jenova RP Connection linkshell we'd be more than happy to send one your way! It's a pg-13 Out of Character shell comprised of a few different Rp companies as well as individual folks who enjoy to RP.


The linkshell is open to ask any questions you may have and it's been a helpful place to coordinate RP events and scenes. ^w^


Here's a few in game contacts for the linkshell, you're welcome to send these folks a direct message if you would like to hop in!  Nyx Astra , Xhera Zerick , Aliona Inna, Bhayaar Qestir and Moira Xanaha.


Wishing you the best and hoping we may see you soon!

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Awesome! Now the next question...


... How do I use Linkshells?


 Ah! Well linkshells will function like little chat groups. When you get invited to one you will get a pop up prompt to accept for decline.


Once you're in one you can activate it with the chat bubble on the bottom left of your screen, it'll show you all your chat channels and linkshells that you are part of. When you swap it to the matching linkshell you'll be able to use your normal chat box to type into it.

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