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What do the letters mean?

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Not my first post, but I have a newbie question.


The first thing I noticed upon popping into Mateus was the alphabet soup in RP-tagged characters' search info. I know "ERP" is smut, but is that the same thing as E/RP? What do M and WU and the other acronyms stand for?



Proper intro stuff:





- FFXIV is my first MMO, I started earlier this year when they changed the free trial terms and I am lovin' it.

- I've RPed for almost ten years now, but mostly on Livejournal/Dreamwidth, where the standard is playing existing characters from existing media in big crossover stories, and people are absolutely anal about canon lore and characterization consistency. Original characters are a newer thing for me, but Hydaelyn is a very good setting for inspiring them!

- I found this forum by way of Sounsyy's loredumps while looking for lore from 1.0.

- I'd like to RP in-game, but probably casually, due to time constraints. Lore compliance is a must though.

-Characters, characters, characters! I have a ton on Brynhildr, if anyone here hangs out there.

  • Rosalind Pytte is my main. Daughter of an Ala Mhigan refugee and a Gridanian merchant, forest-born, had an unpleasant childhood, now an adventurer based in Ul'dah. A pugilist with complicated feelings about Rhalgr and other second-gen Mhigan expats and other things she feels a connection to but can't really claim to be a part of. Possibly has an MNK soul crystal?

  • Hansaku Kiba, Doman refugee, had a bad time when his clan came out of hiding in the mountains to help the rebellion. Currently an eccentric conjurer hugging trees in the Shroud, wearing a mask, and stubbornly pretending nothing bad exists. Likes puns.

  • Pascaleret Merthelin, former dragon-loving heretic and current adventurer and arcanima enthusiast. Talk to him about social ills and sticking it to the Man. Still leveling him for glamour needs.

  • A couple others who I'm still workshopping/leveling.

On Siren:

  • A Dalamiq girl (one of the Xaela who worshipped Dalamud). Made her to play with a friend, I don't know if she'll stick.

And on Mateus:

  • L'dyalani Mhasi, a treasure hunter who used to specialize in looting and selling Belah'dian relics and is now pressed as hell about the Calamity just shoving it all out into the open and forcing her to turn to regular old adventuring to earn a living. Covertly fascinated by void lore. Still working out the kinks of her personality.

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Welcome to the world of FFXIV RP (and MMOs in general)! I hope you have fun and enjoy your stay! I am not too certain on the amount of RP on Brynhildr and Siren, but I definitely know Mateus is a known RP server, so the one you have there will likely be able to find a decent bit of RP! Hopefully you'll find some on the other servers as well, though.


As for the various acronyms...


ERP and E/RP are the same thing, yes. Erotic Roleplay. However, there's a couple others as well:


*MRP or Mature Roleplay, which CAN include ERPish elements, but is also for more mature scenes and interactions in general. Along with that is also...

*DRP or Dark Roleplay, which is also more mature roleplay but focusing more on darker elements like torture and other such things.


Those are the three "types" I usually see flagged to identify what sort of RP people are willing to (or want to) delve into with their interactions.


Another pair you might see (and you've mentioned one of) is WU/T. Those simply mean that the player is open to Walk-Up (WU) RP or being sent a /tell (/T) to be engaged in RP.


There are a few other shorthands and acronyms I've seen, but they're usually with an ERP tag, and are quickly identifying preferences in that sort of RP. If there are any others I might've missed though, feel free to mention them and I'll let you know if I know what they mean. :thumbsup:

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Not my first post, but I have a newbie question.


The first thing I noticed upon popping into Mateus was the alphabet soup in RP-tagged characters' search info. I know "ERP" is smut, but is that the same thing as E/RP? What do M and WU and the other acronyms stand for?



ERP = erotic RP

MRP = mature RP. All ERP is MRP, but not all MRP is ERP. Covers darker themes such as violence, drugs, sex, etc. Can also be called dark RP.

Usually if you see something along the lines of E/M/RP, it means they'll RP whatever.


WU = walk ups, as in they're open to people randomly RPing with them. Some people appreciate a tell being sent first.

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