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Looking for a RP LS on Gilgamesh!!

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Well, the lock has been lifted from Gilgamesh and new people are joining the server, looking for an LS to join for RP fun and laughs, mysteries romance(soap opera-like ) and other activities for the holidays and beyond. You can message me directly in-game. When there is nothing to do when I am not raiding or capping on tomes or helping others out want to do something that is fun and also getting to know people on the server better.

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We also have a couple of IC LSes up in the Linkshell Hall, with a list of people you can ask for invites!


Furthermore, there's an upcoming RPC-wide event, held over the 16th, 17th and 18th at the Observatorium in Coerthas; The Winter Market. Starting from 6PM EST one each day.


Feel free to drop on by!

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