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Seeker seeking connections!

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Hey hey!


First of all, apologies for the very long post. Now, onto the meat of the matter!


Welcome to my cryout for contacts. I've been on Mateus for some time now mainly just quietly preparing my character for RP. Got that done a while ago and been getting some RP done too, but I'd like something specific for my character...


Healers! Of any sort. Doesn't matter whether they do it by waving a wooden stick(preferably not beating with it tho) or brewing potions and medicine, it's welcome. My character has, for the foreseeable future, a life-long problem. Her legs. Every now and then, her legs decide to make her life harder and give out from under her. This happens by chronic pain that likes to flare up to the point that it becomes overwhelming if she tries to keep standing. Just no can do without meds or a pocket healer at hand.


So to mitigate the issue and make her life more tolerable, she requires recurring care for her legs. Healing magic treatments, painkillers and other healthcare methods. So far it's something that has happened mainly 'off-screen' due to lack of appropriate contacts. I'd like to change that.


I'm not stopping my search after finding just one who can do it. Having more than one healer to call upon would be great, especially if their methods vary(magic, medicine, therapy). Her problem isn't a static thing either. Some months are worse than others and as such she might need more frequent treatments sometimes, less on some.


There's potential here for several different scenarios, simple or complex. Home visits, office visits, just stocking up on medicine. Wouldn't be impossible it happens in the middle of the street - how embarassing would that be? Or it could be something that warrants an emergency, such as in dangerous territory. In such a case, it's a window for you to bring your friends for the safety of everyone involved!


Treatments wouldn't be only topic, of course. Socializing is just as important(and just as much wanted!) unless your character is a grump. And as sort of mentioned in the potential scenarios, some spontaneous light-weight DMing might happen too(haven't done a lot of DMing in my RP career though so don't expect your mind blown).


So I've blabbed a lot about what the RP could entail, but hardly anything about the character itself. So let's change that, although I'm not going to tell everything about my character now. Gotta leave something for RP too, right?


As the thread title suggested, she's a Seeker. X'neela Sutekh. There's no Warrior of Light material here. She is a 'down to earth' kind of character with a simple profession, trying to keep herself fed and whistle wet. Some years ago her name might have been a thing in some circles as she was having decent success in Ul'dah's bloodsands. She was just a scrub though compared to the likes of the Bull of Ala Mhigo. She was fighting for crumbs while Raubahn was being bombarded with loaves. It was still something though, but it wouldn't last. Her 3-year career, which isn't a bad achievement in itself, came to an end when a self-proclaimed rival broke her legs and the healer botched the job of mending them.


While she is capable of walking now and getting through most of her days without her nose to the floor, back then it was all too frequent to continue being a gladiator. Nowadays she spends her days hunting as it's something she can do at her own pace, and provides a decent living when done well.


So there! A brief taste of my character and what I'm after with this post. If you count yourself interested so far, that's awesome. Hope it lasts despite the possible deal-breaker I need to share.


I'm from EU, UTC+2 to be specific. You can already see the problem there, I bet. Potentially huge timezone difference. Which is frankly pretty often since Mateus is US! I can be pretty nocturnal at times(4:29am at the time of writing this) though and as things are at the moment, it's relatively easy for me to sort late nights to RP with pretty much anyone, regardless of timezone. So with a bit of late napping from me, or early hours from you, it can work out. Please keep the timezone in mind though if you still wish to show interest. While I can stay up late in order to RP, doing so often is obviously pretty taxing and sometimes just not possible, especially once I start studies/work.


Now then! To wrap up this post before it bloats excessively, PM me or post a reply if you want to hook up or have questions. I'll try to check back daily.


PS: I'm not looking only for healers. Other contacts are just fine too, and I've a few other avenues in mind below for potential RP which can be discussed... Ask! Some unavoidable spoilers regarding her history involved. Do not want? Do not look. Or they can just bump into each other good ol' fashioned way.


-knew her father(who wasn't exactly a good samaritan, but 'victim of the circumstances' he'd tell you. Fit for crooks and the crooked.)

-found her mother's body(this is limited to one player only, fits other hunters or the wandering type)

-associated with the Alchemist's Guild and that way knew her mother

-others from the lynx tribe who knew her parents(parents only 'cause Neela wasn't actually born in the tribe, one might even say she isn't truly of the lynx tribe)

-was in the same orphanage at the same time(she was there for some 2 years)

-had lessons from the same dance tutor(such drk tiems, an option if your character is a courtesan/was training to be a courtesan, doesn't necessarily mean they had the same tutor for extended time)

NOTE: Keep in mind that her parents have been dead for some 15 years by now, if you're considering any of the avenues involving her parents. She was 10 at the time when they died.

NOTENOTE: Potential conflicts with the times because time is a fck'd up thing in FFXIV because Yoshi-P likes Squirtle pokemon and BUBBLEbeam(this is not a fact, this is me being silly and making a poor attempt at humour. Time IS fck'd up though).


...I think that's about it. Finally. Wewt. :bouncy:

(I probably should've written a summary...)

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I have a half-breed Keeper/Seeker who dabbles in healing and would certainly like to help a fellow Miqo'te out. I'm actually from the EU myself, being in the GMT timezone, so that makes timing a bit less awkward.


His name is Zen Are'a, feel free to add me in game!

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I have a half-breed Keeper/Seeker who dabbles in healing and would certainly like to help a fellow Miqo'te out. I'm actually from the EU myself, being in the GMT timezone, so that makes timing a bit less awkward.


His name is Zen Are'a, feel free to add me in game!


Sweet! I've sent you a PM regarding some details.

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