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Looking for Students/Teachers

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Hey all! I run an academy-based FC.  It's similar to the Gardens from FF8 but more tailored toward the FFXIV universe.  I'm looking for all types of connections whether it be people who want to join as students/teachers or people who want to coordinate events/plots.


We also have a military group called BLAZE--students are able to join after graduating that I'd love some connections for.


Iron Phoenix Academy

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:bouncy: This seems interesting. I would love to come to events and or rp and see how things go if that's okay of course :). I have a character who is trying to better understand her own Aetheric Magic and never knew she was capable of such things. Currently her mentor is using her for his own personal gain and is doing more harm then good-so perhaps actually getting into a place where she could learn how to harness her magic would be good. She would be more then willing to take up classes in Black Magic, and Astrology.

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