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New to game, Long-Time RPer

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Hi there!


Brand new to FFXIV (I've never even touched FF or knew anything about the world before this) and eager to be part of the community.


Did some searching and found the two servers locked are the RP ones, so hopefully being on Adamantoise doesn't hurt me trying to find other people to RP with.


Still fresh newbie to the game, so go easy with the lingo.


  • MMORPG background
    Started out in Runescape back in 06. SWTOR was my next (Still play), Guild Wars 2, Black Desert Online.
  • RP experience
    10 years, as I said. Started in 06.
  • Character ideas/info
    Currently have a thaumaturge for now since I enjoy casters alot. As for story line, haven't thought too far into it aside from her being a young naive poor girl whom has no concept of what independent life is like.
  • How did you learn about the coalition?
    Google is an amazing tool these days.
  • What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? (e.g. Light, medium, or heavy)
    Heavy RP. I might consider myself and RP Addict with how much I want to actually be In-Character. Though it's much to my detriment because I'm extremely shy in person and online, so I don't approach anyone.
  • Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc.)
    I'm a musician, artist and writer. Musician is my professional work as I am currently employed at a Game Dev studio making music. Art and Writing are my spare time hobbies and love creating new worlds with words and ink.
    So if anyone wants to teach me the ropes, how to play (Not get bad habits), and help me squeeze into the RP groups, I'd appreciate it greatly!

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Hi and welcome to Final Fantasy XIV!


First of all, I'd like to point out that although Balmung is locked, the other NA roleplay server, Mateus, is still open, just not at prime time. (Try around 3-4am) You can also transfer in characters to Mateus. Another option for a roleplay server is Omega, however it is EU based, so depending on where you live, it may not be ideal.


Personally, I am from the EU, however I have characters on both Mateus and Omega. I can say that Mateus has a large and (mostly) great roleplay community, Omega being smaller, but just as nice. I also have my main over on Cerberus, where there is a little roleplay, but I mostly do PVP, PVE over there, such as raiding.


Regarding content, I'd be happy to run dungeons with you, since I can with my Mateus characters, even though you are on Adamantoise (ah, the power of Party Finder)! I'd also be willing to help you learn some lore.


I'm also up for roleplay on any of those servers, or Discord, if you wanted, my Discord being Zen#8435 if you want to get in touch!


Have a nice day! ^.^

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welcome \o as mentioned above, the roleplay servers are:


balmung (NA) = closed until further notice

mateus (NA) = closes during prime time, opens up during off-peak hours

omega (EU) = usually open


you can also try starting forum post rp with others or checking out individual free company (guild) websites and discords.


as for the game itself, xiv is pretty big, structured as a story-heavy final fantasy title. take your time, enjoy the plot at your own pace. most content is easy as long as you keep your item level up. things to do when starting out include:


1. do the hall of the novice quests, located in every city's adventuring guild. they'll teach you beginner mechanics and reward you with gear, including an xp boost ring. https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Category:Hall_of_the_Novice


2. read this to learn some of the lingo (click to zoom in):




3. read this for general good advice:



4. watch this for general beginner information:



5. duty finder roulettes will give you daily tasks for xp and tome rewards. the game will ease you into it. more types of roulettes unlock at levels 50, 60, and 70 after completing dungeons and raids. at a certain point you'll also be introduced to the weekly challenge log, which also rewards xp. https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Duty_Roulette


6. at level 60 onward, khloe in idyllshire will give you weekly wondrous tails quests for more rewards. https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Wondrous_Tails


7. at level 70, endgame involves staying up to date with the main story quest, keeping gear and cosmetics updated by running daily dungeons and raids, and disappearing into the black hole of money and wealth that is crafting. but that's literally hundreds of hours away until you get to that point, so enjoy the ride til then

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Hi and welcome to Final Fantasy XIV!


First of all, I'd like to point out that although Balmung is locked, the other NA roleplay server, Mateus, is still open, just not at prime time. (Try around 3-4am) You can also transfer in characters to Mateus. Another option for a roleplay server is Omega, however it is EU based, so depending on where you live, it may not be ideal.


Personally, I am from the EU, however I have characters on both Mateus and Omega. I can say that Mateus has a large and (mostly) great roleplay community, Omega being smaller, but just as nice. I also have my main over on Cerberus, where there is a little roleplay, but I mostly do PVP, PVE over there, such as raiding.


Regarding content, I'd be happy to run dungeons with you, since I can with my Mateus characters, even though you are on Adamantoise (ah, the power of Party Finder)! I'd also be willing to help you learn some lore.


I'm also up for roleplay on any of those servers, or Discord, if you wanted, my Discord being Zen#8435 if you want to get in touch!


Have a nice day! ^.^

Added you on discord and thanks to you, I got onto Mateus!

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welcome \o as mentioned above, the roleplay servers are:


balmung (NA) = closed until further notice

mateus (NA) = closes during prime time, opens up during off-peak hours

omega (EU) = usually open


you can also try starting forum post rp with others or checking out individual free company (guild) websites and discords.


as for the game itself, xiv is pretty big, structured as a story-heavy final fantasy title. take your time, enjoy the plot at your own pace. most content is easy as long as you keep your item level up. things to do when starting out include:


1. do the hall of the novice quests, located in every city's adventuring guild. they'll teach you beginner mechanics and reward you with gear, including an xp boost ring. https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Category:Hall_of_the_Novice


2. read this to learn some of the lingo (click to zoom in):




3. read this for general good advice:



4. watch this for general beginner information:



5. duty finder roulettes will give you daily tasks for xp and tome rewards. the game will ease you into it. more types of roulettes unlock at levels 50, 60, and 70 after completing dungeons and raids. at a certain point you'll also be introduced to the weekly challenge log, which also rewards xp. https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Duty_Roulette


6. at level 60 onward, khloe in idyllshire will give you weekly wondrous tails quests for more rewards. https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Wondrous_Tails


7. at level 70, endgame involves staying up to date with the main story quest, keeping gear and cosmetics updated by running daily dungeons and raids, and disappearing into the black hole of money and wealth that is crafting. but that's literally hundreds of hours away until you get to that point, so enjoy the ride til then

Appreciate all the resources! I'll keep them on file in case I need to bring any info up in-game!

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