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Seeking long term role-play for a Garlean Pureblood!

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I portray a nineteen year old Garlean Pureblood in-game who is currently aligned with Garlemald. He is sympathetic to the plight of those who suffer under Garlemald's rule, yet at the same time he is loyal to his homeland and people due to seeing firsthand the best of what they have to offer. Thus he attempts to take a stance of neutrality on the world stage over becoming an outright defector, clinging to the hope that someday he will see a true, lasting peace.


Recently he has come to spend a considerable amount of his time within Kugane, appreciating the city's neutral stance towards his kind. He can often be encountered purchasing exotic goods from the market stalls, feeding stray cats in and around the city, gazing up at the Prima Vista in admiration or tinkering with some manner of device related to engineering in one of the city's workshops.


He has a fondness for fishing, felines, swimming, history, engineering, theatre, art, literature and fine cuisine. He is a friendly, well spoken fellow who is fairly easy to approach and converse with - though he does have a more frigid side to him when faced with those who seek to do him harm or spit on his attempts to be more open minded than many of his brethren.


I am the sort of role-player who favours lore adherence and story/character driven interaction, particularly that which leads to venturing out into the game world.


Those who have characters who would be friendly - or at least neutral - towards a silver tongued, friendly Garlean are highly desired. I am also in the market for finding a reliable mercenary to serve as his personal guard as he explores Othard. Such an individual would be paid well in coin!


Potential rivals and outright enemies are, however, also welcome to approach me - so long as they recognise that nuances exist and that not every Garlean associated with Garlemald is a ruthless soldier, cackling maniac or worthy of immediate execution upon being spotted. In short, my character is not antagonistic and he is currently living in a city that is neutral towards his homeland.


Of course, it's a completely different story if he ever ends up being found within Eorzea...or Doma. I fully expect him to earn a much more fiery 'welcome' there if he ever sees fit to visit either region! Then again, he would likely do his best to disguise himself beforehand...though such things are not without risks.


Now, hopefully this manages to pique someone's curiosity! I can be contacted in-game as Cato Eligar, though I may very well be AFK. Sending a direct PM using this site is the ideal route!

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