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Looking for a Longterm Roleplaying partner :D

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[align=center]:love:Fyr O'rahatia:love:


Hello everyone, Thank you for taking the time and clicking the link for an interest in a longterm roleplaying partner. Currently I'm looking for someone to rp with my Miqo'te female Fyr here. She is 25 years old and a thief by nature. She is great with Tarot Readings as well. Though she has been through a lot recently and can come off rather cold and slightly defensive, once you break through her walls you could see the true woman hidden behind it. Wouldn't want to give away to much of her history of course, though any questions feel free to ask. 




Firs off my server is Metaus. 

1. No god modding or power playing. 

2. Be kind and generousness to others. 

3. Please Do Not TaLk LiK Dis. Or L33T Speak. I would prefer some semi lit to literate. I don't mind punctuation or grammar errors it all happens just please give me a paragraph or so. ( give me something to work with... essentially lol.)  

4. Please don't be a gary or mary sue type character :x cant stress that enough be original for yourself :D

5. Have fun. 


:cactuar:Limits? :cactuar:


I don't have any. I feel that it takes away from any plots or points of a story progression so I'm open to any types of plots within the story. I will however respect the other rpers boundaries of course. 


:?How to find me?:?

Discord - Fyr#8706

Private message me here.

OR in game as Fyr O'rahatia[/align]

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