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General Rules & Guidelines


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✦ Rules, Guidelines, & General Information ✦





General Policies:

We are an 18+ Free Company, no exceptions.

LGBTQA+ safe & inclusive environment

We are a safe space. We do not tolerate hate-speech, discriminatory behavior, etc.

The FC is not sympathetic or supportive to/of the current US administration or it's policies.  If you are, this is probably not the FC for you.  

Be kind to others. We expect members to present themselves respectfully in public channels - members caught trolling, harassing others, etc will be removed from the Free Company immediately, no exceptions.






✦ RP Guidelines / Rules ✦


All new members will undergo a two week - one month trial period. During this time, we encourage all new members to seek out RP with our members, settle in, and use this as an opportunity to see if the FC is a good fit!

- After this trial period has concluded, members will be granted a rank that best fits their character.


No Godmoding / powerplaying. This is especially important, considering the scope of our RP.  It may be tempting, for example, for a healer to wave away an ailment or illness with a wave of a hand and a flash of magic, and may certainly make your character feel powerful and strong -- but a quick fix isn’t always the best. Such actions may not be what others want to happen in the course of an RP session.  Always consider the wishes of the other people you are RPing with.  This is a collaborative hobby!  


Consent and communication are key. Due to the nature and theme of the FC, we may be dealing with potentially sensitive topics on a regular basis (graphic injury, depictions of trauma, violence, etc.) however, please consider the comfort level of those you are RPing with, and don’t be afraid to speak up if a scenario or scene is making you uncomfortable!

- Reach out to those you are healing / working with on an OOC basis. Achieving a consensus with another player on how they would like an interaction resolved ICly is important.

- Aim for realistic treatments within the constraints, lore, and allowances of the setting we are in.  

- Understand that a player may not want all of their character’s ailments healed or “fixed.” This isn’t a reflection on you as a player, but rather their decision for the sake of their character’s story!


We are, as an FC, lore friendly and aim to be compliant, but we also understand that gray areas exist and lore can and will change at the whim and discretion of the devs.  At the end of the day, we would prefer to write with characters that are plausible, well thought out and are a concept you are enthusiastic about above all.

- This includes character jobs / classes and characters being in the possession of soul crystals. Some jobs and skillsets are more rare and/or taboo than others, and should reflect such.

- Use of ‘forbidden’ magics or disciplines such as White / Black magic (Or the skills employed by Dark Knights) should be done with extreme discretion, and never in public.  We follow the idea that such things are exceedingly rare about not impossible.

- Don’t let the above two points discourage you. If you have a concept that might be a little unorthodox, we will more than likely be as enthusiastic to hear you out, or help you make it work if you’re unsure.


Don’t police other people’s RP. Period. If you don’t like the portrayal of a character or concept, politely disengage.

- If the character in question is a client or patron of the clinic, see if someone else can step in to take over an interaction.


We will never require attendance at our events, though we do ask that members that sign up, and/or offer to help during Open Clinic Night or other events are present and ready to help with patrons and/or actively participate behind the scenes to help facilitate RP.


If a problem or issue arises, or you have any concerns, please contact the Advocate or an Officer ASAP. We are always happy to discuss possible issues and do our best to resolve and matters swiftly and fairly for any and all involved parties.

- If the issue is regarding another member of the FC or a guest, please try and include logs and screenshots.

- No one will be removed from the FC for a first offense or misunderstanding - these things happen! But those displaying a pattern of pattern of antagonistic or unkind behavior will be asked to leave.


Edited by Milloux
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