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Well Traveled Goods - jump start your RP!

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Situated in the Mist, amongst the homes, stands a quaint little shop. It announces itself with a small signboard, assuring any passerby that by opening the front door, you are not, in fact, breaking and entering, but you are entering a bits-and-pieces import shop, called Well Traveled Goods.


Inside, the store is brightly lit, with white walls that draw the eyes to the many, many goods, lined and stacked against every wall. Shelves upon shelves of random goods, many new and exotic from Doma, cover nearly every inch of every wall. A rack of exotic fabrics leans against one wall. Seeing your eye catch it, a sweet-faced Miqo'te clears her throat lightly. "Kimono," She says, her voice soft, fitting the bright, sterile decor of the place. "They're from Doma. It's clothing. I'm wearing one!" She raises her arms to display the fabric that hangs elegantly off her form. "Can I help you?"


She explains she's the store clerk and shop tender while the owners are away. They're traveling adventurers, you see, and they come and go to bring whatever delights they find on their travels. A dainty hand emerges from a long, flowing sleeve to point out the many, many wares - more than you realized, among the shelves. The Miqo'te also points out a scroll, sitting in front of a waiting couch. A list of their inventory. And there, against the back wall - a log, where you can place a hold on an item or perhaps request one, if you have the time and money. With that, she gives a neat but slightly inappropriate Doman bow, and leaves you to your shopping.


((Come visit my store at Plot 3, Ward 15 on Balmung. Newly opened, you can use my store passively as a plot-point or to 'find' something to jump start your personal RP. You can also contact me in game or via Discord at Wendy#5190 if you'd like to work out an active RP session using the store, or for any questions.))









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