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Thavnairian Keeper looking for potential friends, partners, and rivals!

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Hello all! 
I'm not particularly great at these sorts of things, so bear with me, but I'm trying to get my precious Nobi out and about. I'll be leaving my wiki and tumblr as a point of reference for any who don't get what they need from this, but yeah! Nobi is a Thavnairian Keeper, a Beast Tribe Diplomat, and an aspiring idol(That's more of a pipe dream, but shhhhh don't tell her that). She has made herself comfortable with her Free Company, and made a best friend or two, but she wants to expand her contact list. And frankly, my anxiety and the like make it hard to just waltz up to people out of the blue. So I figured I'd take to here and hope for the best? :') 

Yeah, uhh.. A few things worth mentioning! I'm in EST, and am usually available from like.. 4pm EST - 12am EST on weekdays, then literally whenever on weekends. Though, I spend time with my FC as much as possible, so I'll also post my discord for ease of communication? 


But yeah. By way of friends, the sky is really the limit. Lately she's learning to embrace her feminine side, as much of her life up until this point has been a bit stressful. So she's getting to live a normal life, sort of. But she could just as easily learn to embrace her Keeper roots as well? Or just go out in overall revelry? Literally, as long as you're not a sociopath, she'll likely get along greeeeeat. 
In terms of romance, I'm a bit more on the picky side with that? Sort of? She's bisexual, but I suppose it'll be a matter of how things click. And I mean, I'm definitely for smoothing into it as opposed to just jumping into something like that. She's usually found at the Stellazzio Pizzeria, the Phoenix Parlour, or the Lucky Sparrow.

Ahh... Yeah, like I said, not too great at this. ^^" Feel free to add me on discord to ask specifics, or read through her wiki! 

Discord: Oddity#7403
Wiki: https://tinyurl.com/y94ndrhq

Tumblr: https://diplomatic-summons.tumblr.com


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While I'm not rping much outside of my circle these days, I just wanted to encourage you!  Putting yourself out there is the first step to beating back those anxiety blues when looking for rp.  You might strike out a few times, but you've got yourself a neat character and a good attitude, so as long as you keep trying you're bound to make some awesome connections.  Keep at it and I hope you find yourself some great rp partners!

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